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Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Picking up the WD from last week and the new one.
Harlies seem to get a GW treatment.
Not sure if it will be nice or not.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Heh, that's pretty cute overall. At least he's treating you like an equal and showing no mercy, how's that for progressive

I need to drag in some firewood before it rains =/ I guess that'll keep me from painting today, but maybe I'll continue to clean up some DZ plague gribblies.

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Orc number 3 for the comp is as done as he'll be now, can't start 4 as he's only half primed (if it wasn't a competition mini, I'd probably do it, but I don't want to cut corners here). I'm now going back and forth on what to grab for my next supply drop.

Basically, I can afford any 3 of 4 things (LotR Dwarves, Eldar Harlies, Malifaux RPG/conversion-fodder minis, WGF Orcs). The Dwarves are in for definite, but I'm torn on the Orcs: the kit looks great and I want to have a play with it, but I just bought 24 GW Orcs last week, so don't want to overload on them. The Harlies look great, and would be fun to play as/when I get around to 40k, but have the highest price per model of the list, which becomes harder to justifiy when they are painting projects. The Malifaux minis would allow me to expand both my crews a fair bit, and be something different to paint, but I've heard reports the kit isn't as variable as Wyrd make out, and can only do fairly static poses...

Decisions, decisions...

Also going absolutely mad trying to find a Bilbo Baggins mini that has entirely dissappeared from my hobby room. I had him out a few weeks ago to paint, never got around to it, and when I tidied my desk, he was nowhere to be found. Since then, I have uprooted, moved and sifted through everything in the room in a Gollum-like search for the Hobbit, but to no avail. At this point, I'm convinced he's put the ring on and done a runner.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/04 23:22:19

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

Binghamton, NY

Cut your losses, Paradigm, and pull an old "Stealth Suit at Golden Daemon" (i.e. do up an empty base and say he's wearing the ring).

If nothing else, having completed a replacement 'model' will greatly increase the odds of his sudden reappearance.

As for me, I've continued to 'wrap up projects in preparation for a thorough desk cleaning' in typical fashion, meaning that I started yet another new project. Will continue work on my prototype forest stand, which will have removable/swappable trees, allowing me to adjust density (for TLoS games that don't use 'area terrain') and scale (I have some trees that work better for 28mm and others for 15mm), as well as facilitating model placement throughout the base.

The Dreadnote wrote:But the Emperor already has a shrine, in the form of your local Games Workshop. You honour him by sacrificing your money to the plastic effigies of his warriors. In time, your devotion will be rewarded with the gift of having even more effigies to worship.
Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

Game of X-Wing with the misses later and maybe try to finish up painting my swat team.

Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Started painting some Cryx models:
Bane Thrall UA, Tartarus, eAsphyxious, and eGoreshade.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Oooh x-wing, have fun

I painted a little bit on some Infinity minis but I'm rushing them so I may switch to some Deadzone plague stuff as my scheme for those is much more conducive to fast painting.

Made in us
Powerful Pegasus Knight


 Desubot wrote:
 Ruberu wrote:
I want to paint my Imperial Guard and Imperial Fists, but I NEED to get my piles of unbuilt models assembled. My Riptide I got for Christmas is still NIB. I also have piles of other Tau that have been nothing but legs on stands for the past three years (I'm a terrible person...).

So no computer games for me until I get at least two squads and some random FW stuff built. I also need to continue investing in some foam for all my armies.

I seem to have exactly the same issues as you IG Fists and riptides NIB and all lol

nice! They are good armies!

I got some more Imperial Fists built and undercoated, but now I really need to get to some Tau.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts."  
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Today, I shall finally get some more primer, and bring to an end this week of sluggish non-producticvty (Just 3 minis! 3!)

Made in us
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws

North West Arkansas

Working on my Sector Imperialis, taking a break and pinning the hands on the older metal Flayed Ones.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Took a little break, set a board up with some kits on it to see how it looked, far from done though, a friend of mine is working on theirs and she said when she got to the metals it was taking loads of paint and loads of time to paint. I tapped out at that comment for a bit.
[Thumb - IMG_5749.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_5750.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_5752.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_5753.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_5862.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/07 11:09:24

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of the women.

Twitter @Kelly502Inf 
Made in us
Huge Hierodule

United States

Building up an Alpha Legion Apothecary. Got all the pieces together for the conversion and now I just gotta shove them all together.

Hydra Dominatus: My Alpha Legion Blog

Liber Daemonicum: My Daemons of Chaos Blog

Alpharius wrote:Darth Bob's is borderline psychotic and probably means... something...

Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


Playing a 2500 point game of 40k in about a hours time, Will try to use my beefed up Eldar list that has not been played in quite some time. Will be facing a lost and the damned army
Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


We had an apoc battle today
Necrons, Nidsn and Eldar on one side and IF, GK, and AM on the other with 4000 pts each player.
Xenon side eon by mission pts.
It was a great laugh.
Wraiths in formation inside a Decursion are hard to destroy.
Now the players here know it.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

Victoria, BC, Canada

Painting my dire wolves

40k Orks 12000 points and growing
Ultramarines 2500
Salamanders 3500
Necrons 4000
Skitarii/cult mech 2500
Vampire Counts 3000 Points

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


 Paradigm wrote:
Today, I shall finally get some more primer, and bring to an end this week of sluggish non-producticvty (Just 3 minis! 3!)

Or not as the case may be.... The store had all 3 Vallejo ranges in full, and not a single matte black among them! So it's back to lack of progress for a few days, until I next order something online...

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

I could have gone to a comic festival today. But it was looking, well, very comic-ey and I'm not much of a comic person.

So, instead I decided I had to do something productive, so, with it being relatively not awful weather outside, I did some priming myself (Sorry, Paradigm ).

Today's Primed:

10 Deadzone Enforcers
5 Deadzone Plague Troopers
A Kalyshi team and sponsor for Dreadball Xtreme
A Convict team and sponsor for Dreadball Xtreme
The Mars Attacks team for Dreadball.

6 Dropzone Commander Scourge Ravagers
6 Dropzone Commander Scourge Stalkers
2 Scourge Harbinger Dropships
4 Scourge Intruder Light Dropships

Of course, when will I get round to painting these is anyones guess but I am determined that I'm going to get an Enforcer Strike Team painted eventually.

It shouldn't even be that hard an accomplishment, you can only really fit 6 models in a strike team and I have 3 that are already painted...

On the other hand, I've still to finish painting my UCM starter set, which, I had meant to do before Christmas. But, again, there's only 5 models to actually finish there.
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

Painted two old school wraithguard

8 more to go..

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


Reflecting on my game last nigth, witch went well a bit haywire. But all in all it was good fun, until my opponent went fully overboard.
Decided afterwards that I wont be playing that particular player again for quite some time.
Also been wondering if anyone here on Dakka has a suggestion for a low fantasy rpg? I have tried the Conan one and a few others alongside Thiefs world. But would really like to find a new game to read upon and perhaps try out a few times
Made in se
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

I... actually don't know. Help?

Painting up my Ork Boyz. I've got 15 more to go...

 Trondheim wrote:
Reflecting on my game last nigth, witch went well a bit haywire. But all in all it was good fun, until my opponent went fully overboard.
Decided afterwards that I wont be playing that particular player again for quite some time.
Also been wondering if anyone here on Dakka has a suggestion for a low fantasy rpg? I have tried the Conan one and a few others alongside Thiefs world. But would really like to find a new game to read upon and perhaps try out a few times

What happened?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/02/08 16:01:37

To Valhall! ~2800 points

Tutorials: Wet Palette | Painting Station
Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


 Matthew wrote:
Painting up my Ork Boyz. I've got 15 more to go...

 Trondheim wrote:
Reflecting on my game last nigth, witch went well a bit haywire. But all in all it was good fun, until my opponent went fully overboard.
Decided afterwards that I wont be playing that particular player again for quite some time.
Also been wondering if anyone here on Dakka has a suggestion for a low fantasy rpg? I have tried the Conan one and a few others alongside Thiefs world. But would really like to find a new game to read upon and perhaps try out a few times

What happened?

My opponet felt that so strongly that I was playing an extremly cheesy list with my Eldar in our 1500 as seen bellow. The game was played with me using the old Eldar dex because well. I dont like the new one, I had clearified this with my opponent and he was very okay with this. As the game progressed and his hordes became somewhat decimated, and he was in a bad place he began to spit abuse and rather unpleasnet comments aimed at myself. So I offerd him a draw to end it as quickly as possible after said thing. And I packed up and left him to his anger and immature ways

The Avatar Of Khaine

Runes Of Warding
Spirit stones
Mind war

10 Dire Avengers
2x shuriken catapults
Blade storm

10 Dire Avengers
2x shuriken catapults
Blade storm

7 rangers

7 Rangers

Fast attack.
3 Vypers
3 Shuriken cannons, 3 undersling shuriken cannons.

Heavy support
1 Wraithlord

1 Wraithlord

1 Wraithlord

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/08 18:23:34

Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

That's not even that butch a list, especially if his army was a horde list.

There are far more uber builds in either the old or the new dex.

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Made my first Grape Stem tree using this guide from the One Ring (they have some pretty great scenery guides there:
http://www.one-ring.co.uk/kb.php?a=71 )

Looking pretty good! Started my second one, just waiting for the PVA to dry while I write a lesson plan.

Hoping to make five or so, and also a little grape stem hedge and dry stone wall. Quite exciting, first scenery I've made in years!

Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


 Ascalam wrote:
That's not even that butch a list, especially if his army was a horde list.

There are far more uber builds in either the old or the new dex.

I have never liked playing such lists, and yes I tried to tell him that I could have done far, far worse as regards to my make up of troops, and what not.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

I'm basecoating a whole chunk of my Dropzone Commander Scourge today. It's so refreshingly *easy* compared to my struggles with my desert UCM.

Take some Fenris Gray (AKA The Fang), water it down loads, then paint it over the entire model. Stage 1 of basecoating completed! I've started on the drybrushing now and again, a normal sized model done in literally seconds. So that's stage 3 completed on some.

I could probably put my scourge army fully painted up to near tournament level sizes in the time it'd take for me to finish painting those 5 UCM starter set models.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/09 02:01:01

Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Yesterday, I finished painting Asphyxious2, Goreshade2, a Seether, 3 Scrap Thralls, Tartarus, and the Bane Thrall UA.
Next are 10 Blood Witches and Attachment.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Hopefully I'll paint some plague today. Been rushing the last couple of Infinity minis so I've switched to some models that I intended to paint fast anyway.

Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

I think today is going to see me start the ATVs and Flying vehicles for my Warpath Enforcers. I just need a healthy supply of plasticard, and I was holding off for a while. Until some people on here said to hit Home Depot and get outdoor signs: so once I fly home, I'll be starting work. I'll probably need a sharp knife and a cutting board too. Home Depot, here I come!! Pics will get posted in some Mantic subforum over here. When I get around to it.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Good luck getting many hits there The people in the mantic subforum are cool but it gets dead in there alot. Almost as bad as the official mantic forums

Do document your efforts though, sounds cool.

I usually use the for/garage/yard sale signs from Walmart myself, though I'm sure Home Depot has the same stuff. Dollar store toys may also be a good source of wheels and tires, if you can find the right kind.

Made in us
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

tornado alley, United States

Finally feeling better today after a week of being down with either some sort of stomach bug or still dealing with sinus infection crap...and the local GW store is closed for a couple days. Guess I'll just wait to put some orders in

I really need to get painting on my stuff for the local campaign, but I can't do that without primed models... If I don't get a break in the weather soon, I'm gonna have to break down and prime in my apartment bathroom with the vent on, I guess. I got piles of stuff that could be worked on, but nothing else has a deadline attached to it...

Finally got battlescribe working with dropbox this morning, so my lists are porting across my phone and all my droid devices..

~6000 ~4000 ~1000
Imperial Knights: & Admech:

My finance plays


I do not work for GW in any fashion. When I edit my post, either I've misspelled something, punctuation, or I'm fixing swearing. Oops.  
Made in us
Huge Hierodule

United States

Trying out color schemes for my Alpha Legion. Think I'm finally getting to something I really like.

Hydra Dominatus: My Alpha Legion Blog

Liber Daemonicum: My Daemons of Chaos Blog

Alpharius wrote:Darth Bob's is borderline psychotic and probably means... something...

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