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Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! (Update 19th Apr:- Neverending Rage.)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Yay for a finished Sunstalker! He looks good. As you say, the paintjob itself is a little simple, but it is effective. That is one of those models where you can give it a simple, clean paintjob and let the sculpt do a lot of the work. Nicely done.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

JoshInJapan wrote:That Sunstalker is a very weird monster. I like the mane of hands on the back of his head. What, exactly is it supposed to be?

Your hands are shaking from the cold? I thought only Japanese houses got that cold in winter.

I don't really know much about the Sunstalker, it's part of rather advanced looking Kingdom Death: Monster expansion and I can barely play the base game, so I haven't gone anywhere near it yet.

I doubt it's really that cold, I'm just rather temperature sensitive, in a few months I'll be complaining it's too hot to paint!

Flinty wrote:If there was ever a monster that looked like it needed a hug!

Weird, but looking good.


highlord tamburlaine wrote:Both look good. Stonehaven figures are always fun to paint, despite my strong dislike of short and stocky humanoid races.

Cold weather is never fun. Being from Southern California, I have no idea what that's really like, other than when we're in Japan in the wintertime, so I feel Josh on that one.

I actually had to turn the air on in the car it was so warm today.

Get that fighter done so I get off my arse to paint mine!

Thanks! I used to have quite a few Stonehaven minis, but I only seemed to paint the Dwarfs.

Fighters done, now it's your turn!

youwashock wrote:Yay for a finished Sunstalker! He looks good. As you say, the paintjob itself is a little simple, but it is effective. That is one of those models where you can give it a simple, clean paintjob and let the sculpt do a lot of the work. Nicely done.

Thanks! Yeah I'm glad it worked out, I really didn't have the patience for anything fancier.

Another mini done, Kingdom Deaths Fighter (Echoes of Death version):-

I think the shield could do with another highlight, and I had to convert her headband a bit (I lost the fluttery end I kept breaking off, so I had to cut a piece off the remaining one to use instead), but overall I'm pretty pleased with the end result.

On the work in progress front, I managed to get quite a bit of my Urkin Shaman (Twisted) done, despite the cold weather:-

Still got quite a lot of little bits and bobs to do, so I don't think I'll get them done by the end of the week but I'll try!
And for the days when I'm not up to painting the small stuff, I've got the mighty Dragon King (Kingdom Death) to work on:-

Currently I'm painting the little man who lives in it's chest, so I can finish assembling it.
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Oh, man. Dragon King in progress. That is sure to be cool. The Fighter's pink hair is all win.
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

That fighter looks amazing, fantastic work!

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

youwashock wrote:Oh, man. Dragon King in progress. That is sure to be cool. The Fighter's pink hair is all win.

Thanks! I'm going to be keeping the Dragon King fairly simple, hopefully it works out as well as the Sunstalker.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:That fighter looks amazing, fantastic work!


Not a lot of painting done this week, so nothing to show off.
Got the Dragon King fully assembled, and started basecoating his skin, but it's slow going (these big minis are making me understand why people use airbrushes!):-

Got a little further with the Shamans, but not enough to warrant a new piccy.
Mostly I've been assembling stuff. First I put together a set of Reaper minis to work on, but the casting on them was surprisingly poor and by the time I'd finished prepping them, I'd lost interest in painting them!
So I set them aside, and put together the King of the Sea Elves (Games Workshop) and a 'Journey to the West' group (Twisted):-

The Twisted minis have me really intimidated at the moment, Tzandi in particular is probably the most detailed mini I've owned, but all four have their fair share of little tiny things that need painting.
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Woot, dragon!

I think if you have a glance back at your painted minis collection, you will find there is nothing on those new guys you can't handle.
Made in lt
Druid Warder

Watching intensifies (dragon is dragon, but I am eagerly waiting to see what You will do to the Twisted and that other, sea-dragon riding elf)!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

youwashock wrote:Woot, dragon!

I think if you have a glance back at your painted minis collection, you will find there is nothing on those new guys you can't handle.

Thanks for the vote of confidence!
It's pretty normal for my minis to intimidate me, I seem to be drawn to the fiddly ones, though I rarely let that stop me painting them.

Wirecat wrote:Watching intensifies (dragon is dragon, but I am eagerly waiting to see what You will do to the Twisted and that other, sea-dragon riding elf)!


Got my Urkin Shamans (Twisted) finished:-

Fun to paint, if a bit annoying in places, still can't paint glass bottles very well though.

On the work in progress front, Dragon King hasn't gotten much further yet, it's taking a lot of red to get a solid basecoat.
Started on the first of my Twisted Journey to the West minis, the irrepressible Monkey:-

Hopefully, I might get him done by the end of the week, if I get a move on.

Also started another Guild Ball mini, Veteran Gutter:-

I'm further along than it looks, her apron is just blending in with the unpainted bits.

Made in lt
Druid Warder

as much as expected, and maybe even more so! Amazing... Clean, bright - please excuse me while I drool. That second (larger) Twisted is way to clean!

Your presentation is also top-notch. Well light and... where is the 3D rotation option?

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Great job on Gutter's face.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Wirecat wrote:as much as expected, and maybe even more so! Amazing... Clean, bright - please excuse me while I drool. That second (larger) Twisted is way to clean!

Your presentation is also top-notch. Well light and... where is the 3D rotation option?

Thanks! I'm slowly working out how to take a decent picture.

youwashock wrote:Great job on Gutter's face.

Thanks! I think it helps that it was mostly covered by hair.

Managed to finish three minis this week! Admittedly one was already almost done, but it's still quite the achievement for me.

First up, Guild Balls Veteran Gutter:-

The mini itself had quite a few mold-line and flash issues, but I think she turned out okay in the end.

Second, Twisteds Monkey:-

Turned out to be a lot more straightforward to paint than I thought, doesn't want to photograph easily though.

Third, Cal and Aponne from Wolsung:-

Had these guys hanging around almost finished for a few years now, thought it was time to get them done.

Nothing to report on the work in progress front. Going to be drybrushing my Dragon King today or tomorrow, so I'm keeping the table clear of things that would otherwise get splattered.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Apologies for the lack of regular updates recently.
Made a bit of a mess of my Dragon King (he's not as amenable to a half-arsed paint job as the Sunstalker was), so I had to set him aside while I rethink things and this seems to have had a bit of a knock on effect motivation-wise.

But I managed to get my Flower Knight finished (which wasn't difficult as I'd left it at about 90% done), and that seems to have got me back on track.

So here's the finished Flower Knight (Kingdom Death):-

Nowhere near as good as the many other Flower Knights out there on the Internet, but I'm happy with it.

On the table I also have, Inquisitor Greyfax (GW):-

Not much done at the moment.

And the Leather Queen (Kingdom Death):-

Haven't tackled a pin-up in a while, so I'm rather rusty at painting such large areas of skin, the hard part is going to be figuring out what's hair and what's decoration.
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Nice Flower Knight! I like the use of different colors for the puff n' slash areas. Upcoming stuff looks very promising.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 youwashock wrote:
Nice Flower Knight! I like the use of different colors for the puff n' slash areas. Upcoming stuff looks very promising.

Thanks! Thought a quartered colour scheme would make him a bit more interesting.

Haven't managed to finish anything else yet, just trying to get back in to the habit of doing a Sunday update.

Grayfax is coming along slowly:-

I've got her armour mostly done, but there's still plenty to do.

Leather Queen has hair:-

Not entirely sure it looks like hair though.

And I've added another lady to the table, Ziba (Reaper):-

Picked her up to see what Reapers new Bones Black is like.
So far, it's a step up from the normal Bones material but I'm still not that sold on it.
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

I am sold on that white and gold look for Greyfax. Quite nice. Cool to see the new Efreeti lady, as well. It is a pretty cool model. Thought about getting one myself, but wound up passing due to the extensive amount of unpainted BONES I have already. It will be nice to see how she turns out.
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

You have fantastic taste in figures - and great skills!
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Thanks guys!

Not painting as much as I'd like, so still nothing finished (that's why this update is a day late, was hoping to have something done but nope).

Leather Queen is almost done (just the base to go), so I should have at least one thing to show-off next week.

Greyfax is still getting there slowly:-

I keep having to go back and tidy bits up.

Ziba is also slowly progressing:-

she's finished from the neck up so far.
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

I'm absolutely loving the progress on that greyfax model.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
I'm absolutely loving the progress on that greyfax model.

Thanks! She's been a lot of fun to paint but very time consuming.

I've finished something, yay!
First, I finished the Leather Queen (Kingdom Death):-

I'm somewhat out of practise working on my pin-ups, so she's rather roughly painted in places, but at least it's another one done at last.

I also finished Greyfax (Warhammer 40k):-

Really pleased with this one, I even managed a colour-coded scale on her power gauge.

Just got Ziba on the desk now:-

She is slowly progressing.
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


I just realized that the Leather Queen has two huge bundles of hair. I thought that was some kind of weird backpack. The model makes a lot more sense now.

Another nice set of finished models. I am impressed by how clean and smooth you make the large patches of the same colors (leather queen's legs, for example, or the inquisitor's cloak).

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Greyfax looks really good. The gauge IS a fantastic detail.
Made in us
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Brighter Greyfax looks perfect. The Kingdom Death models look really good, and you paint them in a way that is so different to the majority of interpretations I see.

A great style, and nice to see it survive - really reminds me of the early days of the hobby as I knew it. Can really see these being in a FLGS display cabinet or in a White Dwarf back in the day.

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

That pinup is awesome, I'm always impressed by how well your skin tones come out.

Greyfax is absolutely stunning, I love your colour choice for her armour plates, that pale tone is very striking. The gauge is a perfect little detail as well. All in all Greyfax is a contender now for my favourite model you've painted to date.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut


Great Guild Ball minis you got there. Love the Veteran Gutter.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

JoshInJapan wrote:I just realized that the Leather Queen has two huge bundles of hair. I thought that was some kind of weird backpack. The model makes a lot more sense now.

Another nice set of finished models. I am impressed by how clean and smooth you make the large patches of the same colors (leather queen's legs, for example, or the inquisitor's cloak).

Thanks! I never really did get her hair looking like hair so I'm not surprised it took a while to click.

youwashock wrote:Greyfax looks really good. The gauge IS a fantastic detail.


IGtR= wrote:Brighter Greyfax looks perfect. The Kingdom Death models look really good, and you paint them in a way that is so different to the majority of interpretations I see.

A great style, and nice to see it survive - really reminds me of the early days of the hobby as I knew it. Can really see these being in a FLGS display cabinet or in a White Dwarf back in the day.

Thanks! Yeah, my minis always seem to stay pretty bright and cartoony regardless of how dark and gritty the setting is meant to be.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:That pinup is awesome, I'm always impressed by how well your skin tones come out.

Greyfax is absolutely stunning, I love your colour choice for her armour plates, that pale tone is very striking. The gauge is a perfect little detail as well. All in all Greyfax is a contender now for my favourite model you've painted to date.


Max Moray wrote:Great Guild Ball minis you got there. Love the Veteran Gutter.

Thanks! I really need to get a few more painted.

Nothing finished again this week.
Ziba is getting close though:-

Just her legs and skirt to go.

My success with Greyfax has sent me on a 40k kick, so I've started on the Medic from my Rogue Trader set:-

Their animal logo uniform trims are so danged difficult to paint!
And the Priest from my Blackstone Fortress set:-

I hadn't built this set yet, so he's not quite so far along.
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

Things are looking great. Really looking forward to that Rogue trader medic.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

Wow, you can really paint female skin! Looks wonderfully smooth and soft! Looking forward to seeing Ziba and the RT Medic finished.

I'm not completely sold on your Greyfax, or more specifically, her hat. The model is technically well painted and detailed (that gauge is so nice!), but from the front the red hat just stands out wrong to me..

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Things are looking great. Really looking forward to that Rogue trader medic.


mcmattila wrote:Wow, you can really paint female skin! Looks wonderfully smooth and soft! Looking forward to seeing Ziba and the RT Medic finished.

I'm not completely sold on your Greyfax, or more specifically, her hat. The model is technically well painted and detailed (that gauge is so nice!), but from the front the red hat just stands out wrong to me..

I must admit I'm not seeing whats wrong with her hat, is it too bright or just doesn't fit colour-wise? (I know I'm not great with my colour theory).

Got another mini finished, Ziba the Giant Woman (Reaper):-

I had fun painting her, and I do think Bones Black is a big step up from the ordinary Bones material, but I don't think I'll ever actually like PVC minis.

Still on the table, both my Medic and Priest have made a bit of progress:-

But not as much as I would've liked.
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

Ziba looks amazing! Love the way you painted her face, such personality and a great focal point. Great work.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in lt
Druid Warder

 aku-chan wrote:

I had fun painting her, and I do think Bones Black is a big step up from the ordinary Bones material, but I don't think I'll ever actually like PVC minis.

Yep, amazing is a right word. Bright in a cartoony way, but full of character. Sad about the PVC, it seems this material, despite all progress, is destined to cause a lot of torn hair and clothing. :(

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
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