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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Right, so his battlefield gameplay takes place in the hour(?) between Robert's death and his arrest?

I don't really care. I'm glad Ned's in the game. I just think he makes the line a little more blurred and open to things like Robert.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


another bloodborne shot

Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

I don't get that guy's left arm....
I'm relieved I can skip out on the Bloodborne KS, but anxious for it to finish already so they can move onto Trudvang.
My guess is that Trudvang will be their big summer campaign in June or so.
Made in gb
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao

Gosport, UK

 Gallahad wrote:
I don't get that guy's left arm....
I'm relieved I can skip out on the Bloodborne KS, but anxious for it to finish already so they can move onto Trudvang.
My guess is that Trudvang will be their big summer campaign in June or so.

His arm’s just like that in the game too.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

The setting is all about humans mutating into monsters so there are lots of things like that.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 LunarSol wrote:
Right, so his battlefield gameplay takes place in the hour(?) between Robert's death and his arrest?

I don't really care. I'm glad Ned's in the game. I just think he makes the line a little more blurred and open to things like Robert.

The position they've taken and been quite open about is that the game starts with Robert's death (the only finite timestamp) and everything within the game is something of a hypothetical based on the potential for, say, Ned to actually make it back North and take command or, for Jaime to defeat Robb at Whispering Wood etc. Basically anything that could in theory happen.

Obviously there's plenty based on later developments (maimed Jaime etc.) but it's essentially a case of creating a canvas for gamers to play out different scenarios and their own narratives with these characters and this setting.

They have said that, in the unlikely event they run out of material, they could potentially look at other timelines; Robert's Rebellion, Blackfyres, The Dance etc. but naturally their main focus is ASOIAF.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Bloodborne stuff is very meh for me so far. Very skippable.

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


I don't want to draw conclusions, but it looks like the hair on his left arm started growing from the palm...

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Nostromodamus wrote:
Bloodborne stuff is very meh for me so far. Very skippable.

Depends on the game for me. I don't really need models for anything if they're just going to sit on a shelf.
Made in se
Executing Exarch

Can’t believe we might finally get a good SoulsBorne game after all this time and the Steamforged fiasco... the visual design in those games is probably the best I’ve ever seen, along with perhaps Kingdom Death (although I’d say SoulsBorne is superior, simply exquisite)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/03/27 10:08:08

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Mymearan wrote:
Can’t believe we might finally get a good SoulsBorne game after all this time and the Steamforged fiasco... the visual design in those games is probably the best I’ve ever seen, along with perhaps Kingdom Death (although I’d say SoulsBorne is superior, simply exquisite)
What's wrong with the SFG Dark Souls? It does some really unique and cool things, and the main flaw is how grindy it can be and can be easily fixed with a variant. They could be better at getting the Kickstarter stuff released though, and the prices are too high by half.

I like Eric Lang, and I prefer Bloodborne, so I'm excited about this.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I quite like Dark Souls; it just mostly fell into the dungeon crawler trap of impossible expectations. People want the dungeon crawler experience complete with multiple encounters that advance stats and provide interesting choices for loot leading up to a big boss encounter; and they want it in about 90 minutes. It's just not a real thing. I mean, how long did it take you to take out the gargoyles in the videogame?

It's also a bit odd to translate the game's "git gud" mentality into a multiplayer setting. The try try again, then try harder mindset is fine solo, but doesn't quite keep a group together very often. I think its better if you play it as the campaign in the back of the book, but honestly if you just want the meat of the game, draw up some loot and go straight to the boss encounters, getting more loot after each loss. I think that captures the spirit of the game quite well and still provides a pretty meaningful game experience.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

When designing the original Doom boardgame, iirc, Kevin Wilson said he didn't want to design a boardgame version of a video game, but design to the *strengths* of a boardgame. The Dark Souls' boss ending, which was the only part of the game demo'ed before the DS KS, was well-received, but, the grindy part, which wasn't demo'ed, wasn't. So it looks like the SFG game designer succeeded halfway (although some didn't like the dice mechanics).


Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

ced1106 wrote:
So it looks like the SFG game designer succeeded halfway (although some didn't like the dice mechanics).
I think the SFG guys succeeded at precisely the goals they were aiming for, it's just different from what people expected. They translated the Dark Souls experience to a board game, while I think a lot of the players just wanted a more recognizable dungeon crawl experience with a Dark Souls coat of paint. I think CMON's Bloodborne game is going to be like that, and while that's not a bad thing, I do think SFG deserves more praise than they get for creating "The Dark Souls of Board Games".
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Mar 28, 2019
In the swirling tumult of war, troops might not always make it to battle when a commander might expect them. Veteran leaders will be able to compensate and simply pray that the reinforcements get there soon. Eventually, though, those troops will make it to battle.

We are sad to say that there will be a delay in the release of the March sets for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. This means that the Stark Heroes II, Lannister Heroes II, Lannister Warrior’s Sons, and Free Folk Cave Dweller Savages will be pushed back and have an April release.

However, those who are up in Chicago for Adepticon this weekend may still have a chance to get their hands on these new figures. We have very limited quantities available!

Stop by booth 107 and see!

We apologize for the delay, but things will be back on track for next month.

The new distribution deal is off to a good start. I've read elsewhere that some preorders outside the US have been cancelled and refunded by retailers as they can't get stock.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Well that's how their Wrath of Kings problems started...…..

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

It baffles me that CMoN went with Asmodee considering how poorly they've done for CMoN in Europe. It's almost like they want CMoN to have troubles so they'll be cheaper to acquire.
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Miniature Market are having a Wrath of Kings sale - up to 70% off

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Interesting CMON have picked up the God of War licence I wouldn't mind seeing a board game with minis even though I generally avoid board games of video games.

Apr 16, 2019
Ragnarök is coming. The fate of all existence is at stake. Is destruction inevitable, or are there ways to avoid ultimate cataclysm? The Norns, mystical beings of great power, have decided they will not go quietly into oblivion and have turned their attention to the well of Fate, Urðr, in order to find any possible way to stop Ragnarök. Looking deep into the swirling waters, they can foresee what potential combination of heroes, villains, battles, victories, or defeats might stop the end of all that is known. But will they find the right combination in time? Is there any true path to salvation at all? They must hurry and seek the true way through, before all is lost.

In God of War: The Card Game, players take on the role of the Norns as they try different combinations of heroes and events in order to stop Ragnarök. Each game is a new attempt to find the right key to saving Midgard from destruction. One-to-four players must work together, embodying mighty heroes such as Kratos, Mimir, Atreus, Brok and Sindri, and Freya. They will fight enemies and bosses from the popular God of War videogame, but combined and remixed in exciting new ways, creating unique “What if…?” scenarios every time they play. If they succeed, the way forward has been secured and Ragnarök can be halted. Failure means the Norns will have to try again, as only death and destruction lay along that particular path.

Each Quest in God of War: The Card Game is made up of a mosaic of cards that recreate monsters and locations from the video game. Each Quest’s mosaic is different, and each card is double-sided, depending on if a section has been destroyed or not, and each has special rules that go into effect when it is face up on the tabletop. Learning how each Quest is won, as well as what strategy to employ, is key to victory. As players progress, earlier Quests will have an effect on what comes after them. At certain points along their path, players must choose which Quest they will complete. Completing one might grant a bonus, but Quests left untouched will result in dire permanent consequences as the players move forward. These choices and challenges lead to new strategies, making it so no two games of God of War: The Card Game are ever alike, and adding real significance to the choices players make during the course of the game.

Heroes in the game have several elements that make them unique. Each comes with their own dashboard that explains their special abilities, health totals, and tracks the number of cards a player can keep in their hand from round to round. Tokens are used to keep everything clear as heroes gain and lose health and build up their power so they can unleash a mighty special attack. Heroes begin the game with a unique starting deck of cards which will be augmented as the game progresses from additional decks. Players can construct their deck to focus on their strengths, or look for ways to generalize their approach, preparing for future Quests that lie ahead. Each hero also has a unique standee that indicates what portion of the mosaic they are facing. With multiple heroes to choose from, numerous ways to build their deck, and various different Quests to attempt, each game of God of War: The Card Game will be a new experience that will echo throughout eternity.

God of War: The Card Game will be coming Q3 of 2019.

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

"Hey, let's take the license of that popular video game and make it a boardgame"
"Because it will bring us lots of money for the next Kickstarter!"
"Makes sense"

Seriously, they make anything a boardgame, now.
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Not Contra



Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


I'm sorry, but that Vicar Amelia doesn't have ANYWHERE near the required amount of moonlit floofiness.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/04/18 18:32:46

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


apparently CMON have paid big for this licence as they're reverting to an early bird discount, plus an exclusive mini

Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

I'm assuming he's wearing some sort of pyramid head? It looks weird.

Granted, I own Bloodborne... just haven't ever gotten around to playing it. Or just about any of my PS4 games for that matter.

Guess I better get started on the game before Tuesday hits!

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


It's a folded newspaper. When it rains, the hat becomes a boat.

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

ASOIAF Cave Dweller Savages now released April 26th


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/04/20 12:11:59

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I'm assuming he's wearing some sort of pyramid head? It looks weird.

It's probably a lighting problem with the 3d render, since it's a miniatures wearing the Executioner Garb wielding a Kirkhammer.

The odd helmet worn by the band of Executioners commanded by the martyr Logarius.
The conical gold helmet, symbol of the executioners, represents luminosity, ambition, and an unflagging resolve to face impurity, staring it down with stern golden spirit.
As the great Logarius once said, "Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good."

Made in us

How are they seeing through that thing?
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