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Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Community Update #2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3485252139448456244

Got two more games in today, played one on the smelter map, which is simply gorgeous. Nothing overly complicated or the like, but a visual stunner for sure. 👌🏻

Drops are a bit naff at the moment, psyker got two Accatran pattern lasguns today, while I'm still waiting on mine to drop.. Also, where's my chainsword?! At this rate I might get a boltgun before any of that stuff.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

i just dropped a shovel. A good one at that, me is a happy vet.

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Still stuck with my Devil's Claw until I can get something better myself. Did swap out my Lucius for a better MG-pattern, which gives me more reliable semi-auto fire due to the Lucius' charged attack ability, but damn it, I hate not having a bayonet on my gun anymore. It might not be as powerful as a dedicated melee weapon, but it beats having to swap all the time.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Master Tormentor

St. Louis

I'm loving my recon lasgun. The pin-point accuracy combined with the insane rate of fire is great for popping elites and specialists. Completely useless against ogryn, but that's why I've got me a power sword!
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

And now i dropped a purple columnus autogun.

Shame i wanted an agripina pattern one, or graia, since the full auto columnus is honestly just uncontrollable. ( and i say this as a old BF3 vet G3 fetishists in regards to recoil controll.)

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Still waiting on either a chainsword or power sword to drop, but the recon lasgun is disgustingly good, I expect it to get nerfed at some point I think, as it melts through almost everything with little effort at all.

Hating the plasma gun, it's clunky and the delay on firing it makes for poor gunplay in my eyes.

The boltgun on the other hand, visually not the prettiest model, but from the moment you rack the slide and every time you reload it, great heft to it, the sounds of you handling it make it the beast of a gun it is supposed to be and the way it properly explodes enemies and sometimes does splash damage on hordes.. this is in my eyes the best boltgun representation to date in a 1st / 3rd person shooter.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


I didn't realise the Ogryn could get a heavy stubber, so now suddenly it's very interesting.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Twin-linked at that. They also made the grenadier gauntlet, a weapon I've always found naff on the tabletop, an awesome ranged / melee weapon here; rocket punch comes to mind.

Also got a power sword, massive step up from the Devil's Claw I've been using for most of the game now. Constantly having to reignite the power field is annoying, but cutting through hordes and scabs with just one or two swipes is so satisfying.

Still no chainsword though. :(

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Crafting dev blog: https://www.playdarktide.com/news/crafting-in-darktide

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

So is this a game that is pointless to play solo?

I love the look of the game, but games that need you to play with friends don't work for me as I can never organise times when friends are free, and playing with group of random other people who will abuse you every time you make a mistake sounds entirely unappealing.
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Solo play will be implemented soon after launch, it's far from ideal right now, but it is a top priority.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in ro
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


I've been interested in Darktide for a while since I really love L4D type gameplay. How does it stack up?
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Me and 3 mates are already committed on starting this game, but the early reports about the game being half-baked at the moment is keeping us on the fence.

Still awfully buggy? What are these rumours about many features of the game only being released after launch?


"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

YMMV, first and foremost. I've seen people who never have a problem and then there's people who started having more with each patch, so again, YMMV. The game is more stable now for my group, both graphically and connection wise then it was a week ago. We still get the odd crash and disconnect, but you can rejoin your team if the game hasn't ended yet, or if your team finishes it without you, get the XP and rewards paid out after you complete another mission.

Single player / bot support and private games are sorely lacking right now, but they will be added in as soon as possible post-launch hopefully, as we hate randos ruining games as much as the next person, especially when you have a certain challenge where nobody has to die.

As for the gameplay, if you've played Vermintide, you know what you're in for, but with better ranged combat on both sides. It's not as fast as Left 4 Dead and it needs a bit more thinking I suppose, as melee combat will tear the unprepared apart in seconds.

Okay so, personally I think this game THE love letter to fans of the franchise, as it delivers on so many fronts. The level design oozes grim dark ripped straight from the novels and art. It's awesome to fight through a slum town, a train station or a working tank factory. I also feel they took a page or two from Deep Rock Galactic in terms of making everything look cool and like it actually works. You don't just wait for a timer to end in some cases, but you can see the coolant cells being charged or that broadcast tower being aligned. There's a nice variety of opponents, the traitor guard in particular are a pleasing enemy to fight against, they don't just rush in, but make call outs and cover one another. They may look spiky but they are still trained professionals, for the most part.

And the weapons.. some of them are so satisfying. 🤤 Yes, lasguns have recoil, but I can understand where the devs are coming from with that implementation: weapons need feedback. It gives that crack a bit more bite in my opinion, as I keep falling back to lasguns over bolters, autos and plasma weaponry when playing as the veteran. The game also nails what a boltgun should feel like, from handling it in all its chunky glory to turning enemies into chunky meat salsa with the occasional splash damage. Melee is also great once you get a hang of it, a chainsword or chain axe is a lot of fun to use, or to you know, pointlessly revving it to drown out the inane chatter of some rando in your team.

My personal enthusiasm aside, people are saying it may take a year before the game reaches the point it should be at, if previous experiences with Vermintide 2 are of any indication. So, if not in a hurry, wait for the reviews to pop up a few days from now.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Secret Force Behind the Rise of the Tau


I've definitely had some performance issues. Frame hang ups and connection issues. The frame hang ups were mostly solved by turning off all the awful graphics settings that were on by default. The game looks so much better without that horrific film grain effect. I have no idea why it's a default setting. Runs way better to.

As for gameplay, I've had a bit of an uphill battle honestly. The early ranged weapons you get seem like they universally suck. I had to reach level 8 before I got one that seemed half decent and it's still not quite enough to support ranged as a primary play style. I really wanted to play a guardsman with a lasgun so that's been a bit of a struggle as I go through missions hoping to find a better weapon.

I strongly feel, at least from my experience thus far, ranged needs buffs across the board. Even on the character who is supposed to main range, it feels wholly inferior to just taking your shovel and bashing enemies to death.

But it's not like melee combat is bad. It's the simple fun Vermintide was. I just looked forward to a more ranged focus game, but between weak weapons and constant screen shake and knock back in gun fights, it feels like a waste of time. Missions could use a bit more variety but I've really only played the same 3 for the most part so far. I hope there's some that go outside or take us to more varied environs. Dirty tunnels under the hive all start blending together and aren't as visually interesting as the ruined cities, forests, caves, castles, and harbors of Vermintide.

That said, I like the game and am excited for the full release. Not many games feel like they'll give me 60-100 hours of fun and Darktide seems like I'll get that imo.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/26 15:18:01

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

thanks for your insight. Just pulled the trigger on it, didn't want to wait for the price to jump back to 60€!

A pleasant surprise is, seems like Darktide is already playable on Geforce Now! I didn't expect it to be available until launch. Have to give it a go tomorrow, if I've recovered from this flu enough.. I reckon it'll look gorgeous with RTX and max detail on

Automatically Appended Next Post:

just had a brief test run, the game seems to be working as expected on GFN. Only a few first minutes in, and the game already brings back fond memories from playing L4D2! Shovel combat does feel satisfying doesn't it

Can't wait for me mates to get theirs so we can start playing for real!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2022/11/26 20:57:53

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Still no chainsword or new plasma gun anywhere; the store, Sire Melk's shop and the post-mission drops are so abysmal right now!

Also.. spoilering this as they introduced a new enemy today and I feel people should experience it first haha!

They introduced the Daemonhost today and while at first glance it seems to act a lot like the witch from L4D, this one does not go down easily, at all, being almost immune to ranged attacks, dealing massive corruption for just being near it and having powerful attacks that don't just down players, but outright kill them. The devs recommend avoiding conflict if possible, but going around it isn't always an option as they sometimes spawn in the one corridor or room you need to go through. Also quite frustrating to have two or three of these spawn throughout a map, kill two of your party, then teleport away.

For people wondering where to encounter this new foe, it can be found randomly in level 3 missions onwards, with a guaranteed appearance in missions that feature the blackout special modifier. Nothing quite like stumbling in the dark and coming across one of these karking things..

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Had my first missions in today. Shooting does feel like a waste of time, as suggested.. Even the sharpshooter is better off just getting a nice melee weapon and rummaging away. I also find running out of ammo constantly.

If you swap out the lasgun for an autogun, can you steal ammo from dead cultists who also use one? That would be enough of a perk to get me switching to autoguns only..

The first few missions felt too damn easy I must say.. no real challenge whatsoever. Hoping it will get more intense after a few more missions.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/11/27 20:53:39

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Secret Force Behind the Rise of the Tau


Ranged gets a bit better as you keep leveling I've found, so there is that.

That said, I'm about level 10 now and it still feels like shooting is just an all-around slower way to kill most enemies than bashing their heads in, especially considering the armor and knockback mechanics, and the relatively close-quarters nature of nearly every game area. Ranged plays has a lot of drawbacks for negligible benefit, while melee has no real drawbacks at all and better uses the game's mechanics. It's certainly nice to have, but given that the entire veteran class is built around it, I feel like the class is just plain bad compared to the other three without buffs to itself or to guns in general. A zealot just does everything better and even has an ability that helps negate the only drawback of melee (getting to special enemies through hordes). It gets even worse when an Ogryn is on your team, because those closed quarters areas and their size usually mean you can't hit enemies even if you have distance.

Which is basically how Vermintide was, unfortunately and while I got it there I was really hoping Darktide would lean better into gunplay than Vermintide did.

Maybe it's just the weapons I have available, but in that case the game being so RNG-dependent for basic class performance is really bad.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2022/11/27 21:02:18

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Yeah, flailing around with a melee weapon kills hordes fast

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

For me gunplay got better as I got better weapons and feats, lasguns will drop certain enemies in one hit, others need headshots or a few hits because in this game, flak armour actually does something.

But yes, veteran takes a few levels to really get going, right now I'm at a point where in our party of three, others being a preacher and psyker, I do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to picking off elites before they get to us, or at the very least softening them up enough for a head-pop from the psyker or a melee fight with the preacher. I'm useless against bulwarks and rampagers unless I pack a plasma or boltgun, but aside from those two, I can deal with just about anything on my own with a lasgun.

And yes, rando verms are the bane of this game right now, the amount of times I've wasted my special ability because some karking fraghead blocked my shots with his big grogging arse is beyond hilarious now.

Gun drops are still arse as well, the vendors really have it in for me, only shovelling useless gak for several days now, nothing class-specific or top-tier worth holding on to.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

 LordofHats wrote:
Ranged gets a bit better as you keep leveling I've found, so there is that.

That said, I'm about level 10 now and it still feels like shooting is just an all-around slower way to kill most enemies than bashing their heads in, especially considering the armor and knockback mechanics, and the relatively close-quarters nature of nearly every game area. Ranged plays has a lot of drawbacks for negligible benefit, while melee has no real drawbacks at all and better uses the game's mechanics. It's certainly nice to have, but given that the entire veteran class is built around it, I feel like the class is just plain bad compared to the other three without buffs to itself or to guns in general. A zealot just does everything better and even has an ability that helps negate the only drawback of melee (getting to special enemies through hordes). It gets even worse when an Ogryn is on your team, because those closed quarters areas and their size usually mean you can't hit enemies even if you have distance.

Which is basically how Vermintide was, unfortunately and while I got it there I was really hoping Darktide would lean better into gunplay than Vermintide did.

Maybe it's just the weapons I have available, but in that case the game being so RNG-dependent for basic class performance is really bad.

What are you using?

From personal experience, i found lasguns to be really underwhelming due to their low rof single shot nature especially against hordes. (nothing against the full auto lasguns, those are very good)
I also found that people far to often don't use the vets abilities, it should be regarded as something that should be spammed, not kept.
That said i normaly do serious work with the full auto autoguns, regardless of elites or hordes. The veteran profits from propper team positioning and your teammates not just fething off in every direction or walking infront of you when you are shooting, looking at ogryns especially.
Further you really depend upon the weapon you use for what your job is Boltgun = anti elite and ogryn, Autogun midway, lasgun more precise and technically against hordes with their large ammo count but practically the rof is just not there.

Also people tend to forget that the Vet has 200 toughness instead of 100 and that anything that boosts toughness makes you into a really tough tank, nvm that you can create nades out of thin air within 45 S , meaning that within the average time (somewhere around 15-20 mins) for a mission you can generate a lot of nades for use in a single mission and generate them even for your team if you are in cohesion.

Right now i run an Agripina pattern (not the braced variant) and a powersword with the generating greanades trait and the team grenade drop chance aswell as 2 toughness increasing curiosities (got really lucky and dropped a mastercrafted one that increases toughness and gives bonus exp and damage resistance for tox-flamer.)

Preferentially in a team players give you the initiative for starting a fight, if only for you to be able to mag drop with the ability 1-3 elites (best i got was like 4 2 berserkers and 2 with armor and chainaxes but that was really lucky, a singular dorway and an ogryn blocking them in said doorway.) with an ability and mag you can also wipe in general a single wave from an horde attack even with just 25ish bullets in it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/28 11:59:23

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Yeah so maybe autoguns'll be more to my liking then. CARR was my fave weapon in L4D2, something comparable to that one (fires in bursts of three shots) would be ideal in Darktide as well for me I think

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2022/11/28 21:05:49

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

 tauist wrote:
Yeah so maybe autoguns'll be more to my liking then. CARR was my fave weapon in L4D2, something comparable to that one (fires in bursts of three shots) would be ideal in Darktide as well for me I think

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yeah so maybe autoguns'll be more to my liking then. CARR was my fave weapon in L4D2, something comparable to that one (fires in bursts of three shots) would be ideal in Darktide as well for me I think

The "salvo" ones are decent for what you search, comes in either 2 or 3 shot variants

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/28 18:27:17

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Salvo it is then!

Got a few more missions in just now, and tried an entry level autogun. Big mistake. I was reloading all the damn time! 18 round mags make the entrylevel autoguns kind of useless with their high rate of fire and significant recoil. In fact, my experience was so bad that I switched back to a lasgun immediately

Bought a DKoK looking lasgun with a bayonet, as well as a 25 round mag autogun. One of those will hopefully serv me better next time. Keeping my eyes peeled for any salvo style guns.

Oh yeah, saw someone using a flamer in our last mission. Now, thats a schweet weapon!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2022/11/28 21:13:06

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Secret Force Behind the Rise of the Tau


Not Online!!! wrote:

What are you using?

Whatever is in the store.

I didn't even know weapons could drop of missions. I've yet to see it happen. That said, I have seen the full auto lasguns in action and those seem to do work good. I just don't have one.

Made in fr
Regular Dakkanaut

That said, I'm about level 10 now and it still feels like shooting is just an all-around slower way to kill most enemies than bashing their heads in, especially considering the armor and knockback mechanics, and the relatively close-quarters nature of nearly every game area. Ranged plays has a lot of drawbacks for negligible benefit, while melee has no real drawbacks at all and better uses the game's mechanics. It's certainly nice to have, but given that the entire veteran class is built around it, I feel like the class is just plain bad compared to the other three without buffs to itself or to guns in general.

Currently, the Zealot is hot garbage compared to the Veteran. In fact, every class is hot garbage compared to the veteran. The Ogryn is not very tanky (his huge size and hitbox negate his built-in damage and toughness damage reductions) and his melee weapons are lacklusters. The Psyker has garbage damages (brainburst doesn't scale with difficulty) and is only a CC-bot (negating the usefulness of the Ogryn btw). The Zealot's signature ability has been nerfed to the ground and his talents are overall hot garbage too and his weapons are mostly lacklusters (except for the eviscerator).

Meanwhile, the Veteran has average to good talents that are either very powerful on their own (all the grenades talents) or synergize well with the most powerful ranged weapons available (boltgun, the full-auto lasgun, the DkoK lasgun if you have good aiming skills, braced autoguns, etc), a very good signature ability and he has the most toughness of all classes meaning he can actually tank enemies and not be stunlocked every 0,5 seconds. Oh, and he has access to the best melee weapon in the whole game aka the power sword. The plasmagun kinda sucks though.

The balance of the game is all over-the-place for now. Which I expected, to be honest. It's not bad enough that one class is "auto-loose" in higher difficulty, but you can definitely feel the difference in strength (Psyker is especially sad : being reduced to lightning spam is dumb).

All this aside, you should not forget that ranged combat is heavily influenced by the mission (size of the areas available in the mission), your loadout, the ennemies you are facing and the difficulty of the mission. Going all melee is very efficient in lower difficulties, that's true. But I can assure you that once you start playing at difficulty 4 (it also starts to become noticeable at level 3), going all melee is a sure way to be slaughtered : ranged enemies are incredibly dangerous, hordes are also dangerous in melee and there are so many specials that are hiding among them that you HAVE to soften them a lot with concentrated firepower if you want to survive. That's why I'm using the heavy stubber as an Ogryn : average against horde, excellent against single targets and most importantly, outstanding suppression against ranged enemies.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/29 14:25:43

Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

 tauist wrote:
Salvo it is then!

Got a few more missions in just now, and tried an entry level autogun. Big mistake. I was reloading all the damn time! 18 round mags make the entrylevel autoguns kind of useless with their high rate of fire and significant recoil. In fact, my experience was so bad that I switched back to a lasgun immediately

Bought a DKoK looking lasgun with a bayonet, as well as a 25 round mag autogun. One of those will hopefully serv me better next time. Keeping my eyes peeled for any salvo style guns.

Oh yeah, saw someone using a flamer in our last mission. Now, thats a schweet weapon!

It's called triggerdiscipline and or as we call it, recoil compensating

ok jokes aside, the lucius is good (and it is the DKoK pattern).

If you want to be better with autoguns i reccomend that you go to the psykanum and just spray to learn the pattern and where the autoguns start "muleing" after that it is a matter of muscle memory pulling down and cutting bursts short.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@ selfcontrol

honestly the psyker (especially low level) is just suffering incarnate and not fun to play with as teammate or psyker...
high level though he is stupidly damage dealing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/29 16:13:18

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in us
The Conquerer

Waiting for my shill money from Spiral Arm Studios

Having got a psyker to level 30, I can say that I hope they buff them a lot.

A level 30 psyker isn't bad by any means, but the journey there is lackluster and frustrating.

Till level 7, you basically have no psyker specific gear and are just a bad guardsmen. Once force swords and staves start appearing, you are at the mercy of RNG for better ones to appear because your store is going to be clogged with useless chainswords, regular swords, autoguns, lasguns, and pistols. And the sad thing is that if you are unlucky they might be better DPS than keeping an older force sword or stave that you got at lower level. And you're then giving up any real ability to leverage being a Psyker!

Brainburst is too weak. Yeah, it does a lot of damage and can one-shot most elites. But the Veteran on your squad is going to headshot the elite instantly while it takes you 5 seconds to get it off. Sure, once you are maxed out you can make it go faster, but its still slower than the Veteran. And whats the point of it only starting to get good once you've hit max level?

A lot of the Psyker's feats seem good, but end up being bad because they don't work like you might think. Essence Harvest is the worst offender, because it doesn't stack if you get multiple warp charges at once. So it is essentially useless. Wrack and Ruin is bad because the soulblaze it causes is so weak.

Self-proclaimed evil Cat-person. Dues Ex Felines

Cato Sicarius, after force feeding Captain Ventris a copy of the Codex Astartes for having the audacity to play Deathwatch, chokes to death on his own D-baggery after finding Calgar assembling his new Eldar army.

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

After a rocky launch, I managed to get two missions in and reach level 30 with my veteran, second mission was on a to me new map with hangars full of Arvus lighters, nice!

Pre-order uniform also looks quite nice, still curious though as to where to get the headset the veteran in the trailers is wearing.

Also, cosmetics shop has launched, it's a mix bag, some really nice, other stuff quite naff and overpriced. The veteran has a nice fatigues and leather jacket combo previously worn by a tanker on offer though.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

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