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4077 Cadian Expeditionary Force (Army List and Background)


4077th Cadian Expeditionary Force

< Start transmission. >


The 4077th Cadian Expeditionary Force, led by Commander Sven Ironstorm and advised by Commissar Amberly Caine, is an armored cavalry division sent to Perimunda to support the 597th Valhallan, led by Colonel Kasteen and advised by Commissar Ciaphas Cain in their valiant defense against the Tyranid threat. 

The company was founded from the valliant men and women of the polar caps of Cadia, conditions much like Valhalla itself. They are adept in snow, night and tunnel warfare from their ice cave fighting. They are excellent hunters, waiting for the perfect shot instead of firing at the first sight, and therefore do not have any Ogryns in their regiment.

Colonel Ironstorm is a highly respected tank expert, almost on the level of Knight Commander Pask. He has defeated Chaos hordes and Tau insurgents with his forces, which even without their Chimeras and Salamanders have a very low casualty rate. 

Army List

     Ironstorm's force usually consists as follows:

Regimental Command (including himself, the Master Vox, Astropath, Master of Ordinance, And Officer of the Fleet) Commissar Amberly Caine and her aide, Gunner First Class Maxwell Calhoun.

A 5-strong squad of Rattlings and a 5-strong squad of karskarins

Two infantry platoons, each with 2 infantry squads and one command squad each, all with voxcasters and 1 grenade launcher per Squad and one heavy-weapon per squad. Two 10-strong veteran squads, each with 3 special weapons and a single voxcaster per squad.

Two Armored Sentinels, one with a Lascannon and one with a rocket launcher, each with a Hunter-killer missile. A "Rough Rider" Squadron, 5 strong (Made with the SM Scout Bikers, Cadian Bodies and Scout Weapons)

Six Leman Russ Battle Tanks, 2 with Nova cannons, 1 battle cannon, 1 Vanquisher battle cannon and 1 punisher gattling cannon. (Tentative) An artillery battery, with two basilisks and one griffon. (Also Tentative)

Current Location

Currently on Armageddon for Chimera and Leman Russ repairs/refitting.

< End transmission. Sent on .999 M41 to Munitorium Headquarters, Cadia, from Adeptus Astra Telepathica Officer, 4077th Cadian, stationed on Armageddon. >

Development Notes

Yes, I know a majority of my army is totally unpainted or looks like crap. I came up for the name of my force from the old TV show M*A*S*H, from the name of the unit where it usually was set. Sven Ironstorm, the name, from my Norwegian and Swedish heritage. I have always loved tanks, and therefore wanted to do an armored company. I don't have enough to mount everyone up in chimeras, but I will once I do. Any suggestions for anything better? It's about 2,000 points right now. And yes, I wasn't creative enough to make a better name for my Commissar, so I just combined Inquisitor Amberly Vail and Commissar Ciaphas Cain's names for my female Commissar. Once again though, please comment with any suggestions for this?

Conversion Notes/Questions

Ok, all of the female Commissar models I've found for sale are obscenely expensive. Would it be a bad idea to resculpt the front of the chest and use a Sister of Battle head with the cap remounted?

Painting Notes

Infantry (Non-Character/important model):

Flak Armor: Fenris Grey basecoat Space Wolves Grey drybrush Arsumen Blue Wash

Fatigues: Adeptus Battlegrey basecoat Codex Grey drybrush Badab Black wash

Flesh: Tallran Flesh basecoat Ogryn Flesh wash Dwarf Flesh/Tallran Flesh mix Highlight

Metal: Boltgun Metal basecoat Chainmail drybrush Badab Black wash

Gold/Brass (used on skulls, eagles and bayonet pommels/guards): I'd have to check my paints again.


Hull: Fenris Grey heavy overbrush Shadow Grey lighter overbrush Space Wolves Grey highlight Arsumen Blue wash

Metal: Boltgun Metal basecoat Chainmail drybrush Badab Black wash

Iconography: Not totally finished.


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