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429th Cadian "Bisons" Regiment

== 429th Cadian "Bisons" Reginment ==

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History of the 429th Cadian Regiment

The 429th was formed as a reserve unit to serve the Imperium as an occupying force. This being said, the 429th were usually deployed to planets of the Imperium that were conquered already, but needed a detachment of men to keep order. Many of these deployments were in regions of civil unrest and or civil war between warring factions on small fringe planets. Some of these "peacemaking" missions turned into all out micro wars between the 429th and the factions involved. The 429th frequently found themselves in the middle of fire fights, exchanging fire with both sides.

Over the centuries when the fighting subsided on a lot of these small fringe planets, the 429th commanders found themselves "bored". The Commander of the 429th, a boisterous Valhallan by the name of Agilulfo "Spearhead" Austerlitz, requested his unit be transfered from these small planets to a more hostile setting. Imperial deep space transmission communication relay's linked to many Imperial mining planets started to go quiet. Shipping from these planets to forge worlds stopped completely. The Imperial Navy sought answers and launched a series of satellites to find out was was happening. The reports were never transmitted, because none of the probes were able to make it to their destinations. During a briefing, Brigadier Inquisitional High Lord Donato Domitus suggested that one of the reserve forces of the Imperium could be sent on a scouting mission, to see what was happening to these settlements. This mission saw the 429th be transformed from an occupying force for conquered planets, to a hardend regiment spearheading planetary assaults when marines were not available.

The 429th received their orders, and within 3 days the young Cadian regiment was sent into what was believed to be their demise. When the orders had arrived to Austerlitz, they read as a standard recon mission of the large industrial planet New Europa IIIXV. Little did they know, pure hell was about to make them into one of the most battle hardened forces the Imperium had ever trained.

Because what waited for these troops on New Europa IIIXV was the newest threat to the Imperium, and all of mankind...

The Daemons of Chaos.

Army List


1 x Command squad


1 x Stormtrooper Squad (mounted in a Chimera)

1 x Ogryn Squad


1 Platoon Consisting of:

1 x Command Squad

4 x Cadian Shock Troop Squads

1 x Heavy Weapons Squad

1 Veterans Squad (mounted in a Chimera)


One measly Armoured Sentinel

Heavy Support

1 x Leman Russ Demolisher

The Hobby Side of Things

I don't have any picture at this time due to the fact my Digi Cam got busted while I was on deployment ;(. However, I started this army when I was a young lad of 18 trying to fine a hobby that wouldn't end me up in prison, but fun enough that I wouldn't get bored. I started off with a Valhallan army consisting of 2 troop choices, an HQ and the old school Stormtroopers. However, since getting a real job, with a little more money I've consistently acquired better units. But in the last few years with having getting married and children, the hobby screeched to a halt. Recently though, I've been able to continue where I left off, long ours painting, and many more hours at work day dreaming of crushing the enemies of the Imperium!


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