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99th Steel Legion

This is a profile of the 99th Armageddon Steel Legion, by hierophant99. Enjoy!

Full Army Photo

The 99th Steel Legion is an elite Imperial Guard regiment made up entirely of veterans from the Second and Third Wars for Armageddon. Suitingly, they are equipped with a huge range of incredibly destructive weaponry that they have all well mastered. Plasma guns, Meltaguns and Demolisher cannons are common among the ranks of this assault force.

Over the years, Orks, Tau and Traitors alike have learned to fear the 99th's fearsome convoys.

Unit Photos

The Command Squad and their Chimera

Notice the converted Commander, Meltaguns on the Veterans, and Heavy Flamer on the Chimera.

The first Veteran Squad and their Chimera

Notice the converted Plasma guns made from greenstuff, and scenic heavy weapon team base.

The second Veteran Squad and their Chimera

Notice the converted Plasma guns made from greenstuff, and scenic heavy weapon team base.

The first Leman Russ Demolisher

The second Leman Russ Demolisher

The Leman Russ Battle Tank

Army List

Here is my current 1000 point army list for the 99th. It states each unit, with its basic equipment, followed by any upgrades in brackets.


-Command Squad (Company Commander, and 4 Veterans with Meltaguns) (Chimera with turret Heavy Flamer)


-Veteran Squad 1 (3 Veterans with Plasma guns, and 2 Veterans with Missile Launcher) (Chimera)

-Veteran Squad 2 (3 Veterans with Plasma guns, and 2 Veterans with Lascannon) (Chimera)


-Leman Russ Demolisher 1

-Leman Russ Demolisher 2

-Leman Russ Battle Tank


Command Squad~sacrificing themselves, anti-tank, anti-montrous creature, anti-characters, anti-elite infantry

Veteran Squads~taking objectives, anti-monstrous creature, anti-elite infantry, anti-infantry, anti-fast vehicles

Demolishers~anti-anything on the table that's annoying me at the moment

Leman Russ Battle Tank~anti-infantry, anti-characters, anti-fast vehicles

Why I Started This Army

After getting annoyed of failing to take down Space Marine Terminators, Ork Nobz and any armour value 14 vehicles with my Tyranids, I decided to create a hard-hitting, ranged army that could take on those units.

My first though was an Armageddon Steel Legion; I love infantry with gasmasks and Leman Russ tanks, and both can take tons of AP 2 weaponry! So, I built the 99th Steel Legion, and have sucessfully blasted apart countless Space Marine Terminators, Ork Nobz and armour value 14 vehicles with its firepower.

Sadly, Tau have railguns that can annihilate my armoured units with impunity. But that's why there's smoke launchers, and cover on the table!

Death to the enemies of the Imperium! For Armageddon!


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