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A Sea of Blood


A Warhammer 40,000 story featuring Luna Wolves and Necrons.

A Sea of Blood


Lokken gritted his teeth as the Infinite Wrath tore free from the Chaos Space Marine's dock world of Kilkerm Prime and fled. The immense Battle-Barge of the Adeptus Astartes had been the subject of much bloodshed, and Lokken still remembered the shock of when his own force, so close to defeating the last of the rats that still defended the ship, had been overwhelmed by a sudden reinforcement detachment of fifty of the Astartes still served the false-Emporer. He had been so close to defeating, them, so close that he could imagine his power sword, the Bloodfiend, tearing into the throats of each and every one of the weaklings. He had failed, however, and the cost of that failure was the much-needed supply of ammunition necessary to feed the defenses of the world, and he needed the blood and bodies of the crew of the Battle-Barge to lay at the feet of the great and almighty Dark Gods. Furthermore, Kilkerm Prine was one of the last worlds held by the Battle-Brothers of the Luna Wolves, and now that the Battle-Barge had fled, the secrecy of the world was compromised, and therefore, vulnerable to attack. They needed another vessel, and Lokken promised to himself that the next vessel to be found would be harvested. As he turned from the bridge of one of the smaller vessels of his own fleet and addressed the pilot, a man whom everyone called Qron, and uttered two words: "Ultima Krono". The great hunt had begun...

Chapter One: Pursuit

On the bridge of the Infinite Wrath, Space Marine Captain Varquleon the Golden heaved a huge sigh of relief. He had responded to the distress call of the Librarian on board, an Astartes called Jaruvis,cand with his own "little" attack squad of fifty Astartes, they had freed the Battle-Barge from that cursed world of heretics. He was lost in deep thought when a voice behind him said: "May we suffice to bring light into this world, and purge the taint of chaos." The voice had come from behind him. Varquleon spun around and came face-to-face with an Astartes dressed in the power armor of a Chaplain. His voice boomed from the speaker plate as he joined Varguleon on the bridge. Varquleon , after contemplating for a moment, answered: "Yes, brother-chaplain, I catch the meaning behind those words. Let us call for our chapter. May the Heralds of Vengeance suffice!!!"

Chapter two: 0100111111000010010

Necron Overlord Kumatakh was the closest a being without a soul could be to excitement. His Lords were online, his Crypteks awakened, his army just as it was before the Great Sleep. He knew the moment had come for the Necrons of Kilkerm Prime to embrace their destiny and undertake the Great Purge that awaited them. He focused his mind to direct a stream of orders to the three silver-level Lords that were currently beside him, and they marched away, off to inspect the phalanxes of Warriors, squads of Immortals, killteams of deathmarks, and the rest of the army that awaited inspection. As his mind was wandering around the computer systems in the hall and directing orders to the Spyders, Wraiths, and Scarabs that were slithering, and crawling around, he headed for the pod that overlooked the entire tomb complex, and projected his voice to the minds of every one of the Necrons in the complex of halls, rooms, and galleries that held the second largest collection of valuable artifacts in the galaxy. He uttered the order that would open sealed doors closed since the beginning of time, and with the silence that was the trademark of the Necrons, the Necron legions stepped into fresh air for the first time in millennia.


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