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A Terrible Judgment at Nightfall


High Executioner Servath Reznik is hot on the trail of Kommandant Zerkova in the Garlghast Isles to carry out an order of execution for her research of the Orgoth. However, Karchev the Terrible intercepts his force, and Reznik struggles against the Man in the Machine.

Army Lists

Protectorate of Menoth Khador


Reznik sends his Idrians forward with their swords Ignited. They seek as their Prey the Widowmakers on the hill. Should they succeed in their mission, they will be tasked with attempting to take on the Terrible. They advance cautiously and with the Behemoth's bombards and the widowmakers Sniper fire in mind the Guide makes the entire unit Go to Ground, protecting them from blast damage and boosting the entire unit's DEF against ranged attacks.

The Jackwall advances ahead of Reznik. The Guardian runs ahead of the pack, but its arc node will probably not play so large a role in the battle ahead. The three light warjacks gain Safe Passage while one of the Dervishes has Iron Aggression cast on them.

Karchev hugs his battlegroup close, and Fenris rides to the flank.

The Widowmakers attempt to deal with the Idrians, but fail to treat.

However, the Idrians' response is equally lackluster.

Fenris leads a charge to even the odds. Berserk triggers and he doesn't even get a chance to use his second attack before the Idrians are reduced. The skirmishers manage to pass both the Terror and mass casualties' command checks.

Karchev almost forfeits the field by stepping outside of the Killbox, but he recovers from his absent minded rage long enough to return to battle.

Idrians charge and tie up the Widowmakers. One Dervish charges Fenris, unhorses him, and then Side Steps into range of the dismounted Fenris in order to finish the job.

Reznik's 'Jacks form a wall to try to stem the tide of angry rushing Khadoran machines, and the Chieftain stands his ground before Karchev.

Karchev simply laughs at the Officer and boosts his army's attacks.

The Kodiak comes after the Devout, chain attacking it and then double hand throwing it into the Dervish, knocking both models down.

The Chieftain Dies somewhere on this turn, and the Behemoth comes in to finish off the Guardian .

So there's nothing left for Reznik and his Dervish to do but destroy the Behemoth. Engine of Destruction and the Dervish's Combo Attack manage to turn the hulking character warjack into scrap.

But with Karchev so near, it doesn't mean much in the end.


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