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Chapter: The Scribes of Veneticus

Author Information

<Youri Mulder aka Yourio>

Title Of this Story

The Scribes of Veneticus background story

The History

Scribes of Veneticus

The history of the chapter The chapter was first based on the planet Veneticus. It was a planet filled with oceans as far as the eye could see and precious land was getting scarce. This caused the Veneticans a lot of problems and eventually led to the overcrowding of the planets surface. The venetians didn’t have the resources for colonising another planet. This was because they didn’t have any form of space transport. But they found a solution for their problem. The natives of Veneticus had a great interest in the history of mankind, their knowledge even stretched in to the time of the dawn of mankind, which was quite remarkable for such a planet located so far away from Holy Terra. While the Venetican council was searching their archives for an answer they found out how the people of Venice managed to build a thriving city in the middle of a sea. Even though the city was built upon a small island it eventually grew into a thriving city. This inspired the Veneticans to follow in the footsteps of the Venetians. And so they did. Having built magnificent cites on the seas of Veneticus and thus mastered the oceans, the Veneticans prospered for the decades to come.

Up until the year ? it was all peace and quite on Veneticus. The Veneticans thought they had there own piece of paradise. But one day the skies turned dark and a piercing cold wind started howling across the seas. The natives didn’t know what was happening. Then it looked like it started to rain meteors. The natives didn’t know what was happening and then they saw the object up close. It where metal pods emblazoned with symbols of chaos. The natives were confused and didn't know what to do. Suddenly the pod bursted open and Dozens of vile traitor marines came pouring out of it. who wanted to spread death and decay over the lands. The natives where terrified and thought there peaceful world had come to an end. How did they fear the chaos and thought they where doomed. But suddenly in the dark sky a faint light appeared. The spec of light grew ever brighter and bigger. The Veneticans where amazed and suddenly felt a shred of hope in there hearts. They where all gazing into the light filled with awe when suddenly they noticed specs of red emerging from the light. They thought “what could it be, could this be our saviour? ” And then they saw more recognisable shapes. It were ships from the Imperium and then it dawned to them. IT WHERE SPACE MARINES. And they thought could this be true ? Because Space marines where the stuff of legends, they are the heroes of the Empire. They could only dream of ever seeing them. But it was true and from the sky descended the angelic warriors of the Blood Angels, Clad in armour and weapon of the mighty Adeptus Astartes striking down swiftly on the planet. Thunderhawk and Stormraven gunships roared down from the sky gracefully delivering the mighty marines to the planets surface. The Blood Angels with their rapid assault managed quickly to capture most of the agricultural towns which covered most of the planet, But the hardest battle was to be fought reclaiming the capital. After 2 days of fighting almost the whole planet was recaptured. Only the capital remained. The siege was leaded by veteran sergeant Khâras of the first company and his squad of four marines (Frolle, Khazdûl, Gazlin, “Thorneye”). He and 20 marines and a Furioso dreadnaught where to recapture the gates of the city and secure the perimeter so a staging area could be formed in the city. Under the cover fire of Vindicator and Whirlwind fire he and his men assaulted the gates and managed to breached them. Having entered the city they swept the houses in the perimeter and secured the area. The blood Angels had control over the cities entrance.

Meanwhile in the space Above Veneticus. The Blood Angels ship “The Angels Fury” and the “The Angels Remorse” where In orbit above the planet. After sending down the last waves of reinforcements the ships saw derelict ship arriving which appeared to be in orbit around the planet. Curious what how the ship stayed unnoticed the ships approached it. But then when they came close the ship came alive and it’s engines started to blaze. And then they saw it was a Chaos ship. The ship immediately went into full alert and quickly preparing the broadside for firing.

Back on the surface of the planet. Now that the city was almost under control and the invasion went into its 5th night did they only need to recapture to recapture the archives. Being a man of knowledge Sergeant Khâras gave strict order that forbid any use on flamer and melta based weaponry knowing that the attack would otherwise destroy the archives. Khâras order four Stormravens to drop him and the assault marines on the roof and that the rest of the marines where to assault the ground levels so that the traitors wouldn’t be able to escape. Having reached the 101th floor and having lost many men, sergeant Khâras entered a huge hall with bookshelves as high as the ceiling, there he found the mastermind behind the invasion. It was a dreaded Chaos sorcerer. Khâras and his men quickly engaged the traitor, starting a bloody fight. Khâras charged into the sorcerer pulling out his sword and letting out a loud battle- cry “For The Emperor and Sanguinius!” Having Engaged the sorcerer in melee combat a long fencing battle commenced. Frolle saw Khâras charging into the battle and immediately gained the thirst for battle. He used his jump-pack to jump high into the air and when landing slammed his power- fist onto a group of enemies, then Gazlin, Khâzdul, “Thorneye” quickly followed in his wake. After fighting a while the rest of the marines arrived from floors below. The sorcerer quickly realised the odds were turned against him so he blasted the marines back and opened a portal through which he and his minions could escape.

Back in the space above Veneticus. The Angels Remorse and The Angels Fury were locked in a everlasting battle with the traitor ship. After receiving a message from the surface that the Chaos had fled the planets surface the Chaos ship suddenly turned and opened hole in the Warp in which it disappeared. Back on the surface of the planet. Having driven back the Chaos, the Blood Angels planted there banner atop of the archives signalling their victory. The next day most of the troops returned to their ship and where in the space above Veneticus. But not sergeant Khâras and his men, they volunteerd to stay behind and watch the rebuilding of the planet. Later that day a Thunderhawk gunship landed in the capital of Veneticus near the barracks where Khâras resided. From it emerged Commander Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels. Khâras and his men where honoured by the presence of their chapter master. Dante then spoke, he said that he heard of the heroic deed done by Khâras and his men. Putting their life and limb on the line to save the planet. Dante then wanted Khâras to lead a new chapter tasked to protect Veneticus it’s solarsystem “Ignis Solus” and other neighboring systems from the enemies of the Empirium. The sergeant knew immediately that he would build the fortress monastery on Veneticus. He thought it was his duty to guard their new home from the enemies of the Imperium. And so the Scribes of Veneticus were born. Having a new home, the Scribes of Veneticus painted their armour blue and their shoulders bone to remember them of home when they were on crusades into the far reaches of space. With Veneticus being a recruitment world for the scribes, the traditions of the people of Veneticus quickly became accustomed to the scribes. This is caused a lot of the battle brothers to clad themselves with banners and scrolls filled with epic tales of historical battles.


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