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Craftworld Koris-Vah (Fluff)

About PatheticBarrel

PatheticBarrel began playing Warhammer 40,000 in 2009 with an Eldar BattleForce. After adding a Vyper and Howling Banshees to his army, he realized he needed more money and went to college. Returning in 2013 with fresh ideas, he now sets out to create an amazing backstory for his small shoebox army.

Koris-Vah: Craftworld in the Sands

===== After the Fall ===== In the Millennia following the Eldar Fall, the Craftworld of Koris faced many threats from She Who Thirsts. During their escape, the Craftworld was besieged by powerful Warp energies, causing severe damage to the Wraithbone structure. Crucial to their escape were the Warp Runes, now destroyed beyond simple repair. As such, should the Koris Eldar attempt to traverse the Webway, they could inadvertently access the Warp, and on several occasions, almost did so. Throughout their now slow travels, Koris was set upon by the Daemons of Chaos. With the help of Cegorachs worshippers, the Harlequins, Koris's Warp Spiders Aspect began to preemptively fight these intruders, while also trying to steer the Craftworld more deliberately.

===== The Grey Spider ===== However, this fighting would lead to a terrifying end for the Warp Spiders Grey Exarch, Saltul. With his aggressive manner, Saltul would spend long jumps within the Warp and Webway, fighting the Daemonic forces of the Great Enemy. Enraged by his daring, the Twisted One sought to take control of this Eldar soul. He allowed more of Saltul's attacks to be won with ease, fueling the decadence inhabiting the Exarch. At the same time, he increased his attacks, growing fear within the Craftworld. When the time came for the Prince's action, none were prepared. Returning from a successful raid alongside the Harlequins, Saltul felt a sudden sensation wash over him. Grabbing the nearest Harlequin, he thrust it's Kiss deep into his chest. As he did so, his body became malformed and twisted before being ripped open by a never ending army of Slaanesh. The resulting outpour quickly enveloped the Aspect Shrine, killing all of the Spiders within.

===== A Much Needed Plan ===== Many perished in the ensuing destruction. Unprepared for such an onslaught, large sections of the Craftworld were overrun. In a frantic meeting to plan a defense, the Council of War grew into despair. Then, with a voice that hid his youth, a warlock, new to the path, suggested evacuation of the Craftworld, and the destruction of their home. Seeing this as the only hope of ending the deaths of so many, the evacuation was handled swiftly, with many brave warriors and seers staying behind to cover their brethrens escape. The Eldar watched in grief as their Chaos infested home was drived into the surface of a nearby, barren planet.

===== Body & Mind: The Fireborn ===== With no means to continue travel far from this barren world, the now homeless Eldar descended. With a goal to clear out what few Daemons remained and entomb their dead, they did not arrive with hope. Their home lay in waste, scattered over miles of shifting sand and still crawling with baleful beings, as the Eldar advanced, cautious of everything that was once so familiar. Many of their Shrines and Schools still stood, much of the Daemons attack focused on the more crowded center. Picking off vile beings, the full Eldar force spread out. One group, led by the young warlock that had advanced this great loss, came upon the Hall of Fallen Heroes. Within, they heard the death screams of Daemons and felt the psychic hum of a battling Wraith. Entering, they found a single Wraithguard, two younglings clinging to it's legs, besting a small swarm of the beasts. As the last one fell, the young warlock noticed that the Wraith bore two spirit stones, one a vibrant blue, the other a sickly purple, which seemed to grow and devour the light of the room. With a sudden howl of energy, both stones exploded into shards, destroying the Wraith the two spirits had inhabited. Pulling the younglings to their feet, the squad beheld the young Prince, Torilis, and his sister, Aldais. Torilis was solemn, unwavering in his silence as he stared at the shattered stones. Aldais, however, was eager to answer the questions of the seers. She claimed they had been afraid during the invasion, and hid in the hall near the Spirit Stones of their parents, the High Autarch Xaldos, and the Farseer Malayon. When the Daemons entered the hall, Aldais took the stones and placed both within the Wraith construct. At the conclusion of her explanation, Torilis spoke.

       "They're gone now. It's not over yet, but they've left."

===== Rise of the Eldesh ===== Elsewhere, the Eldar were finding small groups of the dead rising, their spirit stones emanating a sickly black light. This was the baneful warp energy of She Who Thirsts, having corrupted the very souls of the Eldar. Fear, Chaos, Destruction, Death. These things claimed the souls of these now twisted Eldar, their bodies taking on forms common to Slaanesh. In a daunting trial of further fear, some of these corrupted Eldar began placing Spirit Stones into wraith constructs, spreading the disease of the Vile One. With great difficulty, these beings were staved off from spreading their doom to the rest of the Craftworld. The great dexterity of the Bonesingers was able to quarantine this threat within an impenetrable Wraithbone prison.

Unbeknownst to the Eldar, the Eldesh, as they would be named, were not under the control of She Who Thirsts, but rather acting on their own accord, seeing themselves as the survivors of the invasion and the true Eldar as the corrupted ones.

===== Rebuilding ===== In the days that followed the cleansing of their home, the Eldar found that by crashing the Craftworld into the planet, they had uncovered a vast subterranean complex. Protected from the heat from the planets two suns, this complex contain large groupings of crystals that emitted a rejuvenating energy. This energy had allowed the inside of the planet to grow various life-sustaining climates, from forests to plains. While the great nature domes were still fairly intact, this finding would allow the Eldar to possibly grow, infusing them with hope. As time went, much of the craft world was repaired, with it being grown to become a part of the vast network of caves and tunnels. Though much of the Infinity Circuit was lost due to the Eldesh corruption, it was found that the energy the crystals gave off was similar enough to the Eldar spirit to bring the Circuit back to working order.

===== Koris Reborn: Koris-Vah ===== As such, the Eldar have grown in their underground megacity, cultivating a lush land that can support their ever growing number below a hostile sea of sand. So the fate of Koris-Vah, the fallen Craftworld, continues amidst the constant fear of She Who Thirsts, the strange threat of the Eldesh, and the small chance of anyone learning of their world.


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