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Expanding with Kara Sloan

Part One: A strange Encounter

One day I was wandering around in Cygnar and I found a magical house in the woods. I brushed my long blond hair back and turned to my gun mage friend and said "We must investigate this house for the king and for country!"

He stared deep into my huge eyes. He was lookjed worried as his hand rested on the handle of his magic gun. "Kara, don't go into the house it could be magical and dangerous!"

I shook my head, and said "No, I must go into the house, there could be mighty magics inside that will help us turn back the tide of the Khador armies and the evil of the Circle of Obeross. There could be magic that prevents them from using their rocks that can teleport their evil animals behind our lines and kill our brave cygnar Men!"

Samule stroked his beard

"Yes I hate the magic stones, you're right they must be stopped!"

Together we entered the house with our guns drawn and ready to shoot. I could feel the magic and see glowing runes circling through the house. Inside the house was empty... too empty. There was only a table with a small vile of purple liquid. A handwritten note by the cup said "Drink this". I was afraid, but I needed the magic so I drank from the glass. Because I am a warcaster I knew it wasn't bad magic. Also it wasn't green so not Cryx either.

At first nothing happened and we left the house. When we were back in the woods I could feel something happen.

"Arrgggh! It's my magic caster powers!!! They're expanding!!" I shouted.

Samuel said - "That's not all. You're expanding Kara Sloan".

He was right. I was as tall as a Cygnaran Warjack... and still growing. How much more would my powers expand?!!

  • cliff hanger*


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