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Falcon Guard

This page is currently under construction. Information below is subject to change without warning.

Full Army Photo

Parts of the First and Second companies assemble for a march through the Chapter's homeworld.

Unit Photos

Chapter Master Arkan Belarium
Chapter Master Arkan Belarium

The following units are the heroes of the Falcon Guard. Other units will be included later, but pictures may not occumpany them.

Chapter Master Arkan Belarium

Arkan has been Chapter Master of the Falcon Guard for approximately eighty years. Although very young when being appointed, he quickly solidified his position and now inspires any soldier who has the privelege of fighting next to him. He is a much more active Chapter Master when compared to other Space Marine chapters, often fighting with the second company when their regular Captain is otherwise engaged. Whenever he joins another company, he is always accompanied by a group of Terminators or a squad of veterans. His personal Land Raider, Leonard, is only called in when he is, and is often a sign of inspiration to all Imperial forces in it's presence.

Chaplain Validus, Master of Sanctity
Chaplain Validus, Master of Sanctity

Chaplain Validus, Master of Sanctity

Validus is the oldest known member of the Falcon Guard and has been the lead Chaplain for as long as many can remember. In battle he chooses to wear a suit of Terminator armour and he often leads his personal squad of Assault Terminators. Chapter Master Belarium often calls him in for battles where victory is unlikely, as he has an incredibly high success rate when the odds are against him. His true name has been lost over the years, but to the chapter he is known simply as Validus. To gain a Purity Seal from Chaplain Validus is an honour that marines boast about for years.

Honoured Brother David
Honoured Brother David

Honoured Brother David

As is the custom within the Falcon Guard, when a marine is blessed by being placed inside a Dreadnought, he is given a name chosen by the Master of Sanctity. This is a way to bridge the differences between the chapter and their Adeptus Mechanicus allies, whom have an outpost near the Falcon Guard's monastary. Both Dreadnoughts and Large Vehicles are given single names, to bridge the gap between warrior and machine. David has fought in many battles over the years and is currently the only Dreadnought serving in the Second Company.

Land Raider <i>Leonard</i>
Land Raider Leonard

Land Raider "Leonard"

This Land Raider is the personal transport of Chapter Master Belarium, although it is often lent to Terminators as on-field transport if Belarium is fighting on the battlefield. Being considerably young compared to most Land Raiders in the galaxy, it was built by the nearby Adeptus Mechanicus planet as a favour to the Falcon Guard, in exchange for the continued protection of their planet.

Predator Annihilator <i>Peter</i>
Predator Annihilator Peter

Predator Annihilator "Peter"

Although Predators don't necessarily contain the type of Machine Spirit which can animate Land Raiders without any personnel, the Falcon Guard believe they deserve a holy name all the same. Peter was the name of a very early Falcon Guard hero, and although his last name was lost in time, his legacy is carried on by this tank.

Army List

Entire Army

HQ - Captain Cato Sicarius - Space Marine Captain - Chaplain in Terminator Armour

Troop - Tactical Marine Squad - Tactical Marine Squad - Scout Marine Squad

Elite - Sternguard Veterans - Dreadnought

Fast Attack - Vanguard Veterans - Assault Marines - Assault Marines

Heavy Support - Land Raider - Predator - Devestator Squad - Devestator Squad

1,000 Points

This army was planned for a doubles tournament in late 2009.

HQ - Captain Cato Sicarius

Troop - Tactical Marine Squad - Tactical Marine Squad

Elite - Assault Terminator Squad

Fast Attack - N/A

Heavy Support - Land Raider

Why I Started This Army

I began this army after a friend of mine bought an "Assault on Black Reach" pack, he wanted the Ork units and gave me the Marine units for free. After playing him a few times, I realised I actually enjoyed playing as well as collecting and painting. I went out and bought a Predator soon afterwards and the army has been steadily growing ever since.

After buying a Land Raider very recently, I have decided to put the army on hold, and create a Battlefleet Gothic fleet to compliment it in a new way.


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