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Forruner mercy's Oracles of Dorn Space Marine Chapter

Author Information

So yeah, here is the SM Chapter that I am creating. It is currently a work in progress. If you would like to help at all, here is a link to the ongoing (or at least the last time I checked) discussion about my Chapter. http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/402139.page

The Oracles of Dorn

Introduction to the Oracles of Dorn

The Oracles of Dorn are a Imperial Fists successor Chapter, founded at 134.M37. The Chapter as a whole is largely hated by most of the Imperium. This is because they are secretive, more so then even the Dark Angels. The Chapter is completely fleet based, and as such recruits their neophytes from different worlds.

There are a few reasons why they are hated. The lesser of them is that they have a tendency to go near the Eye of Terror quite often, which may be the main reason why there is a higher than average number of Librarians in their ranks. They have been known to divine when and where an uprising will occur, stopping it before it truly started. Because of this, they have almost been declared traitors at least twice on the grounds of sorcery, and every time they state they had help in the form of the Emperor’s Tarot, which is so far has been enough for the accusation to be dismissed. They also frequently remove themselves during a campaign, always because they found a lead to some ancient knowledge or artifact, wether it be a tome, weapons, armor, STC files, or vehicles. However, the most damning evidence is the tendency for their fleets, called “Initiation Fleets” (as these are the fleets that are sent out to recruit more neophytes), to move near the edge of the Galaxy, and then temporarily move out of range of the Astronomican. Because of this, the Inquisition, namely the Ordo Hereticus, are extremely suspicious of them. No one except for those in the Chapter know exactly what the fleets are doing on the edge of the Galaxy, but whatever it is, because of it they are on the verge of being declared Exocommunicate Traitoris once again, and this time they may not be able to prove their faith.

Timeline with Involvement in Major Events



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