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Gordaks Waaagh!

Author Information

Samuel T Skinner, aka Arkapello, just does this stuff for fun!

Gordaks Waaagh!

The armour fired into life with a sound like half a dozen warbikes revving for battle. The squig-oil gurgled as it flushed the system for the first time, feeding the ravenous engine. The Warboss raised the hydraulic claw that was now grafted to his left arm, opening and closing the crude metal blades with sickening delight. The boss was a venerable enough war machine without the mechanized iron cladding but with it he was a monster. Kloggz stood back to take in his creation. He had done his best work for Boss Gordak. “It feels killy” Gordak said from behind a great metal jaw plate. He turned to face the Mek, his machinery groaning with its own weight and hissing as its exoskeleton worked to mimic the movements of the great ork encased within it. Each earth-shattering step threatened to bring the hastily constructed workshop down around them both. Kloggz got some satisfaction from seeing the murderous glee in his masters crimson eyes, bearing his teeth in what ork physiology passed for a smile. “Its killy” Kloggz confirmed “I made deff dreads smaller thun that ‘un”. Gordak turned back again, this time flexing and testing the joins in the gun-arm on his right. The gun itself was comprised of half space marine lascannon and half imperial guard flak turret, Koggz’ Kustom forged shot clips and power cells were slung under the barrels ready to unleash a maelstrom of death upon any pink skin stupid enough to stand and fight.

The two stood for a second listening to the crowd of orks gathering outside. The moment was coming. They had landed on the planet two days before, the great space hulk that had confined them for the last ten years shattering imperial defences and bringing them to the surface as a great fireball from the heavens. Since then Kloggz had worked non-stop to make Gordak the weapons he required. The grots had his workshop up in a couple of hours and had spent the rest of their time salvaging all the tools Kloggz needed for his work, along with a few of the toys he had brought with him from the last conquered world. Now though his wiry little workers just stood in awe of the boss alongside the mek. In a moments time the rest of the clan would join them in that awe, as they rightly should. Kloggz felt a twinge of something in his stomach at the thought of the battle that was surly to be coming soon. A gathering crowd meant a fight was brewing and Gordak would surely want to put his new weapons to use as soon as possible.

Gordak commenced in his thunderous stride out of the workshop flattening a snotling that didn't quite flee his path in time. Gordak allowed himself a snort of amusement before continuing on toward and out the hole-come-door to face the baying crowd of boyz who waited impatiently to see the boss in all his glory. Kloggz followed behind with his scuttling band of grot oilers and riggers at his heels, all just as keen as he was to stand with Gordak and bask in the jealous glare of the clan. This was Kloggz’ glory moment as much a Gordak’s. He was the boss’s favorite, at least for today. He was the one who had delivered the warboss a mechanical masterpiece. He had given his master the tools to slay the enemy in their hundreds. He had constructed mega armor that made his master the very effigy of Gork and Mork. Gordak was well known for handsomely rewarding those who showed loyalty and utility in abundance, It wasn't the Teef that interested Kloggz but rather the looted vehicles, weapons and components that might well be coming his way after the big fight. Kloggz could make an arsenal of mega armor for every nob in the clan with the kind of loot the humans had stashed away in the cities on this dusty planet.

Gordak lifted his power klaw up toward the yellow sky. The jeering mob in front of him fell silent in an instant. Silencing a thousand or more boyz was the kind of feat only the mightiest of presences could achieve. The air felt electric. Excitement was already brewing with only this smallest of gestures from the clans titanic figurehead. “See me” Gordak growled. Kloggz observed orks begin to shudder slightly; energy was starting to coarse through their fungal bodies. He felt it too. “See da way my armour shines” The warboss opened his arms outward to show his size at its fullest “See da metal that I wear and da green of my skin”. A few members of the crowed shouted back, unable to control themselves and swiftly earning a punch from the nearest nob. “See my colour”. Kloggz kicked one of the grots away from his feet. They had begun to fidget, even the lowliest greenskin could feel the raw psychic power that rippled all around them now. Gordak fell quiet for a few seconds, his experience told him to wait and allow excitement to grip his clan further. “If it’s a brawl you’s want den its time. Take you’s weapons. Take you’s machines. Take you’s gunz an’ all you’s dakka”. Even the nobz couldn’t resist the urge to vocalize their approval at this instruction. “Take you’s hunger! Take you’s hate of da pink squishy humies and join me!” Gordak turned toward the imperial bastion, the only thing visible on the baron horizon. Kloggz signalled to the bruised grot he had kicked a moment earlier to fetch his bike. “Now is time to show dem who is biggest. Now is when we show dem we is better!” Kloggz felt it rising up in his chest now, a keen and powerful rush. “See my color now! By sundown I will be painted red!” The crowed roared with a great wave of sound that filled Kloggz further still with a burning lust to make war. “I WILL BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD! I WILL TEAR AT THEIR THROATS! I WILL KILL! JOIN ME!” Kloggz vision began to tunnel. His heart beat hard. His tongue started to prickle with a thirst for blood. Muscles tightening as natural steroids flooded his veins. “WE GO! KILL! BURN! FIGHT!” Gordak was incoherent and visibly shaking within the mega armour. Small black pupils opening wide with intoxication, the crowd was with him. The sound of them all was now deafening. Ecstasy flowed through Orks making them almost completely unaware of their actions as they grabbed at crude blades and guns, some small groups maintained just enough control to make it into nearby vehicles and fire them up. Kloggz looked on, soaking in the energy and the atmosphere until the final trigger comes.

Gordak screams it first. Reared up to his full height, his mouth a great gaping maw, he roars with a volume that will surly be striking fear and descent among the guardsman as they wait for their enemy. The time is here. The battle is on.



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