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Grimwazza'z Boyz


Grimwazza used to be just an ordinary Ork boy in a warband led by his warboss, "Durgraz da squisha", on the desert world of Darius. Grimwazza grew up fighting alongside his two ork mates Snikkwazza and Zogwazza. Grimwazza, Snikkwazza and Zogwazza (refered to as "The wazza'z" by the other orks in the tribe) shared an unusually (By orkish standards) close "friendship". Meaning they'd basically rather fight together against someone else than against each other (Although that still happened a few times). The wazza'z were three very promising young orks, and all three of them quickly became tough enough to call themselves Nobz. At this point, all three had started to develop interests beyond just fighting. Grimwazza had started thinking about Fighting, winning, and SURVIVING the fight, rather than just fighting, Snikkwazza had developed an interest for sneaking around and being stealthy while killing things at the same time, and Zogwazza had started growing ambitions about becoming warboss. After a while, they had all made a bit of progress in their respective areas of interest. Snikkwazza had gotten a few "subordinates" who also liked sneaky killing, Grimwazza had developed a sense of "Taktikz" that some of the other Nobz even appreciated, since it sometimes helped them to kill, or avoid being killed. Zogwazza had also made a bit of progress. He had been preparing himself for fighting Durgraz in order to claim the title as Warboss by running off into the wasteland surrounding the tribes encampment to hunt down beasts and the like. One such encounter with a beast did however result in the loss of his left arm, which was then replaced with a bionik arm, with some sort of a combination of a Slugga and a choppa where his hand should've been. Zogwazza did however eventually get to fight Durgraz. The fight was a rather close one, but ended with the defeat of Zogwazza. Durgraz, who was a bit intimidated by the strength of his opponent, literally teared Zogwazza apart after defeating him to make sure he was dead. However, Durgraz was well aware that Grimwazza and Snikkwazza was Zogwazza's "mates", and this made him consider the fact that they might share similar ambitions with Zogwazza. Fearing that they might challenge him before he had gotten to recover from the fight with Zogwazza (which would have to be very quickly since Orks have a superior regeneration ability), Durgraz banished the two remaining wazza'z. The wazza'z left the tribe, thinking they didn't need Durgraz to get into good fights, and that they could form their own warband. A few orks from the tribe decided to leave the tribe and instead join the wazza'z new warband. Among these orks was Gorklaw, an ork who had a cybork arm with a built in Power Klaw, which he was very fond of, Zagrub, an ork with a love for trying out new crazy, explosive, volitale and/or loud weapons, and Zagrukk, a promising young mek who, just like any mek, loved to build new shooty weapons and vehicles. Since Snikkwazza was deemed inapropriate to be warboss because of his sneaky interests, Grimwazza became the Warboss of this new warband which he would simply call "Grimwazza's Boyz".

Full Army Photo

My whole army (Except Snikkwazza who wasn't finished at the time) (I'm going to repaint the boyz who have lighter skin, so don't mind them)

After I finished Snikkwazza I took this picture of the two remaining Wazza'z

Unit Photos

Yet to be uploaded.

Army List

HQ Warboss Grimwazza (Shoota/Skorcha - Attack Squig - Bosspole - 'Eavy armour) 90 pts

Big Mek Zagrukk Blitzmek (Kustom Mega-Blasta - Cybork body - 'Eavy armour - Bosspole) 70 pts

Elites Nob Snikwazza (Power klaw - 'Eavy armour - Iron Gob (Bosspole)) and 4 Kommandos 90 pts

Troops Nob Gorklaw (Power klaw - 'Eavy armour - Bosspole) and 16 Slugga boyz 147 pts

Nob Zagrub (Shoota/Rokkit-launcha - 'Eavy armour - Bosspole) and 15 Shoota boyz (2 Big shootas) 131 pts

Fast Attack 8 Stormboyz 96 pts

Warbuggy (Red paint job - Armour plates) 45 pts

Total pts 669 pts

Why I Started This Army

This is my first and only Warhammer army. The core of the army (The Warboss and the boyz), I collected over a few years when I wasn't seriously into warhammer and just painted a few orks from time to time (I also own a bunch of models who are not orks which are also from these days). The reason I collected a core Ork army was because I thought, "Perhaps it'd be fun to play... I should collect a core army." And so I did. Orks, because they are just so Awesome! I like the kind of wasteland feel they can get with their rag-tag equipment and ramshackle vehicles. And a few months ago, I thought, "I should start doing this more seriously." So I did. I had a box of un-assembled stormboyz, so I painted and assembled them and at about the same time I got the Warbuggy. A while later I got a box of Nobz and after I'd finished two of them I got the Big Mek. And recently I thought. "Those Kommandos are just so damn cool. I have to have them!" So I bought them as well and assembled and painted them. It took me some time, my more recent models have taken a lot of time because I put in a lot more effort in painting now that I did before. For this reason I've also started repainting my old boyz since their paintjobs do not satisfy me anymore. Just recently I bought I kommando with a burna which I haven't painted yet, and I've also got three more Nobz to assemble and paint (One of them I've started a bit with). So basically I collect Orks because they are so Awesome, and I really like their wasteland look, their "personalities" and their biological structure (How they grow like fungus and regenerate fast and all of that).


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