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Gutsnagga's WAAAGH!

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Dedicated Transports

So far, my only transport is my Trukk, which was pretty much straight build out of the box.


Fast Attack

First up, da Warbikerz

Unit shot


Wheelie Biker

Biker with Chain

Heavy Support


Army List

Here are some of my regular army lists that I might field in friendly games.


This is just a basic 500 point list, nothing too special.


Ork Warboss with Power Klaw, T-L Shoota, Cybork body, 'Eavy Armour, Cybork Body, Bosspole, Attack Squig - 125pts


20 Ork boyz including 2 big shootas & Nob with 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole and Power Klaw - 175pts

13 Ork boyz including 1 big shoota - 83pts

Fast Attack:

3 Warbikerz including Nob with Power Klaw and Bosspole - 115pts

TOTAL: 498pts

Tactics: Basically just rush 'em with the boyz and boss, and use the warbikers as tank hunters.


Here's a 1K point list I've had a lot of luck with lately:


Ghazghkull Thraka - 225pts


5 Lootaz including Mek with Kustom Mega Blasta - 75pts


10 Slugga boyz with 1 big shoota - 65pts

Dedicated Transport: Trukk with Wreckin' ball, boarding plank, armour plates and red paint job - 65pts

19 Slugga boyz with 2 big shootas & Nob with 'Eavy Armour - 139pts

20 Slugga boyz with 2 big shootas & Nob with Bosspole, 'Eavy armour, Power Klaw - 175pts

Fast Attack:

3 Warbikerz including Nob with Power Klaw and Bosspole - 115pts

1 Deffkopta with T-L rokkit launcha - 45pts

2 Deffkoptas with T-L rokkit launchas - 90pts

Total: 1000pts

Tactics: Ghazghkull starts off in the trukk with the boyz. Send them at the biggest or most powerful enemy unit, and call a WAAAGH! the turn you're going to get into combat. Watch people cringe as Ghazghkull ignores everything they throw at him with his 2+ invulnerable save! As in the previous list, use the Warbikers as tankbusters, along with the deffkoptas. Just Generally advance the boyz, and you can't go too far wrong.

Why I Started This Army

The reason for starting this army goes back to 2009. At that time, I had been collecting GW's Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Games for several years, and had seen 40K in stores and in White Dwarf for quite a while. I decided that out of all the armies Orks appealed most to me, mainly because of their zaniness, and the fact that you could loot a kit from almost any army for them. I first got a box of stormboyz, and since then I've been hooked.


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