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Imperial Fists: Perturabo Hunters

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The Pertuarbo Hunters are a element of Imperial Fists which are on a crusader around the edge of the South-West edge of the Eye of Terror. The company is led by Captain Herondon and is recognised for its high number of Terminators.

Captain Herondon has lead his company for two hundred and fifty years, during his time has entered the Eye of Terror in search of the Imperial Fists hated enemy, Perturabo, Primarch of Iron Warriors. Many times has Herondon exited the Eye he has found the Imperial Fists are now commanded by a new chapter master. Herondon is a skilled swordsman, much like majority of the Imperial Fists though his skills know no limits. He has faced many Chaos Lords, Iron Warrior Warsmiths and elevated Daemon Princes and bested many in combat. Armed with a anicent relic blade from days of the Horus Hersey, anicent artificer armour which bears the names of his predecessors and a powerful storm shield which has deflected fortress levelling hits from mighty Daemon Princes. Captain Herondon will stop at nothing until all Iron Warriors, and Perturabo are slayed.

Chaplain Awkumen has been attached to the company for one hundred and fifty years and maintains the Imperial Fists faith during their crusades within the Eye of Terror.

Master of the Forge Akka is now more machine than man. During a battle against the traitous Alpha Legion, Akka attempted to destroy a vital bridge, he was cut down with a barrage of plasma fire which half his body was destroyed, yet the Emperor and mighty Rogal Dorn kept Akka breathing. Akka is majority made of bionics, his legs, left arm and half of his face is now metal blessed by the Machine God. Since this attack some time ago, Akka has come more distance from his Imperial Fist brothers and communicates with them only when required. He often is found in the presence of the five Dreadnoughts attached to the company, and seen leading them into battle. The most notable was the retaking of Hundra, a anicent Eldar planet within the Eye of Terror. Akka and his Dreadnought breathern battled against vila Plague Marines of the Death Guard.

Terminator Assault Squad Herculies acts as Captain Herodons personal command squad. All have been with the first company for over a hundred years, Sergeant Herculies is a particular great friend to the Captain. One of squads Hercuiles' starred battles was against a powerful Ork Warboss, which was the size of a Land Raider and many of the Warbosses Nobz. Herculies squad destroyed all greenskins and the mighty Warbosses head is kept in the chapter shrine on their battle barge.

Terminator Assault Squad Defoe is known for destruction of powerful Daemon Princes and enemy titans. Several Ork Stompas has felt their wrath and a mighty Daemon Prince of the Iron Warriors only known as the Prince of Iron has been vanquished.

Terminator Squad Apolste are the only survivors of a previous Imperial Fist company which laided siege to a Iron Warrior stronghold within the Eye of Terror. Captain Herondon intercepted their distress call to find them waiting on a ruined fortress, they the only survivors of a bitter battle.

Sternguard Squad Feirer squad recently returning to active duty after being behind enemy lines within the Eye for over one hundred years. Currently they're under strength as two of their number unfortunately turned to the forces of Chaos. The remaining squad members have under gone strict purification tests for sometime.

Tactical Squad Huliva mostly originated from the hives of Necromunda. Sergeant Huliva was awarded a anicent power fist from a mighty Iron Warrior Warsmith which he bested in one on one combat. The power fist has gone under many rituals to purge all Chaos infection, however, it has been noted Huliva's personality has become darker since donning the power fist.

Tactical Squad Kilvo was reinforced by Herondon's company when retaking and defending a vital outpost on a world within the Eye, the world which they battled on was most important as it gave the Imperial Fists a foothold within the Eye of Terror and established a permanent garrison on the world. Due to a large scale attack from the forces of Chaos using arcane magics, many of Kilvo squad's power armour is pitted and battle scarred.

Tactical Squad Feranz has been part of Herondon's company for the last ninety years.

Tactical Squad Devslow is mostly a reserve squad and used for claiming ground. Sergeant Devslow himself has a metre long purity seal which proudly hands from his armour. The squad is noted for is often use of plasma weaponary is called in for reinforcements against light armour, though more notable against enemy Terminators.

Five Dreadnoughts are attached to the company, all former battle brothers that still live to serve under Herondon's command. One particular Dreadnought is former Captain Olva, Olva is entombed in a anicent Dreadnought body and using his battle knowledge leads the other Dreadnoughts into battle.

Herondons company has use of four Land Raiders in total, one Land Raider is a Terminus Ultra pattern and re-named after Herondon himself, the might of Herondon. Herondon and all Terminator squads led a desperate planetstrike attack on a traitor Imperial Guard bunker system on a world on the boarders of the Eye. Herondon had received word a prized relic of the Imperial Fists was in their possession. Herondon and the first company Terminators battled for twenty five nights and days. When the dust had settled all traitor Guardsmen were killed and only one Terminator had been lost. Herondon claimed the wreck of a mighty Land Raider Terminus Ultra, it was restored by the Techmarines of the chapter and re-named Herondons Might and awarded the Captain and his company for their bravery and service.

Unit Photos

Pictures coming soon!

Army List

2,000 point list:


1 x Captain - artificier armour, storm shield & relic blade


5 x Assault Terminators - 3 x thunder hammers & 2 x lightning claws 5 x Assault Terminators - 5 x thunder hammers 8 x Sternguard w/ Rhino - 2 x combi weapons


10 x Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun, rocket launcher - sgt w/ power fist 10 x Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun, rocket launcher - sgt w/ power fist 10 x Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun, rocket launcher

Heavy Support

1 x Land Raider 1 x Land Raider

Planetstrike 2,000 list:


1 x Captain - artificier armour, storm shield & relic blade 1 x Chaplain - terminator armour & combi weapon 1 x Master of the Forge - conversion beamer


5 x Terminators - assault cannon 5 x Assault Terminators - 2 x lightning claws & 3 x thunder hammers


10 x Marines - meltagun, rocket launcher - sgt w/ power fist 10 x Marines - meltagun, rocket launcher - sgt w/ power fist 10 x Marines - meltagun, rocket launcher

Heavy Support

1 x Dreadnought - assault cannon 1 x Dreadnought - assault cannon 1 x Ironclad Dreadnought 1 x Dreadnought - assault cannon 1 x Dreadnought - heavy flamer

Why I Started This Army

I traded my Tyranid army for most the elements of this Space Marine army. At the time I already had a Space Marine army, Ultramarines. I originally was going to the Imperial Fists as Blood Angels - Angels were my first army and Space Marine army, however I couldn't get to grip with red and re-painted them to Ultramarines. In the end I decided to go yellow after seeing some nice examples and went from there.

I sold the Ultramarine army and made my Fist army a better structure, so far I've lost twice, drawn about four times and won about four - six times with this list.

The army itself has taken me from February 09 to December 09 to complete, this has been amongst painting other armies. The total of the army is 3370.


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