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InquisitorMack's Orks

InquisitorMack's Ork Army 2008

Full Army Photo

full army photo coming in the spring when the weather is nice outside.

Unit Photos



Ghaz & his buddies

Warboss for smaller games

First warboss from pre 2008

Wierdboy, rarely used, but I like this paintjob

Big Mek with Shock Attack Gun



Snikrot who I team up with some extra boys sometimes

Painboy who goes with my plethora of Nobs



slugga boys

shoota boys

leftover special weapons

transportation for boys or Nobs sometimes


bikers that I converted into AOBR biker Nobs, but never used due to be too cheesy

buggies I got at the dollar store



Battlewagon converted from GI Joe HISS tank

second battlewagon

Bits built Deff dread

for wankers who scream that walkers must have legs

bits built looted wagon

Army List

My army list constantly changes; no consistent list.

Why I Started This Army

I began this army because a great friend of mine, Eddie, moved to England to settle down with his wonderful wife Clara, and left his 40K Orks behind because he didn't want to schlep them across the Atlantic. He initially gave me the metal warboss, 1 or 2 squads of boyz, a couple bikers and a custom built trukk. That was about 6 years ago so about 2003. Then I moved to upstate NY and had no one to really play 40K with so I spent 3 years only painting. Then I moved back to MA and started playing regularly, and my armies grew in proportion.

So for anyone in England who knows this guy:

tell him a big thanks!!!! everytime you see him.


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