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Lost Souls

The Lost Souls

The Lost Souls are a lost cilv, when the Humans sent ships to Colonise on distance planets but one went missing. These People Colonised in the middile of the Galaxy. (if you have seen the movie "The Chronicles of Riddick" these are like the Necromunds) Wanting the rest of the humans to leave the Religion of the Emperor

Armys There are two armys to the lost souls the Defenders which defend the home worlds And the Attackers which are leaded by Chapter Master Walker.

Why I Started This Army I wanted to start a army that is differnt and has no allies.

My Army List

There are some differences to orther space marines these are

Tactical Squad

A space marine can be a Veteran for 10 pts The Veteran can only take what the Sergeant doesent have (the pts are the same as the Sergeant) The Veteran can be a Apothecary for 10 pts

For the Defenders colours: Red, Blue And Black only one Sergeant can be a caption (same points for normal caption) (no chapter Masters)

For the Attackers colours: Red, Blue And White Must Have Chapter Master Walker (same points as normal Chapter Master but can get a command squad) (no honour guard squads in the army)


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