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No Quarter Cygnar Article Index


"Courage" by Ed Bolme: Battle between Warwitch Deneghra and Captain Victoria Haley. [1]


"Guts & Gears the Ironclad" by Bryan Steele: Equipment and makeup of the Ironclad [2]

"Guts & Gears: Cygnaran Long Gunners" by Bryan Steele: Development and training of the Long Gunners [3]


"Elite Cadres, Converting the Hard Core" by Tod Arrington: Conversion for an Elite Cadre of Stormblades [4]

"Building and Painting the Thunderhead" by Mike McVey: A step by step guide to building and painting the Thunderhead. [5]


"Maximum Impact" by Jason Soles :Previews the rules for the Warcasters from Warmachine: Apotheosis: Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane, Captain E. Dominic Darius, Lord Commander Stryker and Major Victoria Haley.[6]


"A No-Caster Gambit" by Marc Verebely and Chris Bodan: Defeat Lieutenant Allister Caine with no Cryx Warcaster.[7]


"The Battle in the Thornwood- Attacker Alternate Scenarios" by Dave Perrota: Alternate Cygnar scenario for the Theater of War Campaign in Warmachine: Apotheosis. [8]


  1. 1 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 1. July 2005.
  2. 2 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 1. July 2005.
  3. 3 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 2. September 2005.
  4. 4 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 2. September 2005.
  5. 5 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 3. November 2005.
  6. 6 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 2. September 2005.
  7. 7 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 3. November 2005.
  8. 8 No Quarter Magazine. Issue No. 2. September 2005.


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