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Ospreyan 121st "Bravo" Company

This is my almost finished Imperial Guard army. I have approximately 20 guardsmen to go, and then the force will stand at 115 soldiers, a Medusa, a Chimera, a Russ and a Valkyrie (plus a scratch built helicopter which is used as a counts as Valk and a scratch built 41st millennium m1 Abrams Tank).

For now I'll just explain that Ospreyus IV is a planet on the border between The Tau Empire and the Imperium. After the Damocles Gulf crusade the system was left plundered and Ospreyus IV, a once vibrant mining and military hub, was just a shadow of it's former self. An Ork Waaagh! lead by Warlord Blaktoof took the opportunity to descend upon the planet and wreak havoc. Ospreyus IV managed to hold on, and defeat the green tide, but only barely. Due to the lack of assistance recieved by the Imperium, Ospreyus IV seceded from the Imperium. This was not taken lightly, and of course, the planet went to war with the Emperor. After a long campaign, lasting two hundred years, the Imperial Guard finally seized control of the planet, and installed strict martial law. The Adeptus Mechanicus, realizing the potential of the mining colony, assumed a primary role in the governance of the planet, which soon became something of a forge world, and the foremost outpost against the ever increasing Tau Empire.

Excuse the poor quality of the pictures. Hope you guys enjoy this.

http://s801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/?action=view&current=photo.jpg This is nowhere near the full army's size, and stands at 63 soldiers and 4 vehicles, but it's the best photo I could find for the moment, unfortunately. I'll take some more scenic photos later.

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/1st%20Platoon/photo25.jpg First Platoon - Whole

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/1st%20Platoon/photo26.jpg First platoon's first squad

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/1st%20Platoon/photo28.jpg First platoon's second squad

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/1st%20Platoon/photo27.jpg Special Weapons squad

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/1st%20Platoon/photo29.jpg First Platoon Command

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/2nd%20Platoon/IMG_0328.jpg Second Platoon's first squad

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/3rd%20Platoon/IMG_0320.jpg Third platoon's First Squad

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Veterans/photo2.jpg Veterans

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Veterans/IMG_0348.jpg Gunnery Sergeant Harker

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Elites/IMG_0319.jpg Storm Trooper Squad 1

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Elites/IMG_0318.jpg Storm Trooper Squad 2

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Elites/photo3.jpg My version of Marbo - I wanted to make him look like Nomad from "Crysis". I used the Vindicare Assasin model, and sculpted a new arm. I think it worked pretty well, eh?

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Command%20Squad/photo4.jpg Command Squad.

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Command%20Squad/photo5.jpg Regimental Standard back

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Fast%20Attack/photo8.jpg My Valkyrie, with detailed interior and functional interior light (and magnetized lascannon/multi-laser)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Fast%20Attack/IMG_0329.jpg Scratch built helicopter

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Tanks/IMG_0324.jpg Medusa (cheap conversion, I know, but eh)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Tanks/IMG_0322.jpg Chimera

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Tanks/IMG_0326.jpg Leman Russ

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/maxnizle1/Imperial%20Guard/Tanks/IMG_0327.jpg Leman Russ again

At the moment I have a few army lists drawn up for 1500 pts - A tourney list, a "Fun" list and a (you're all going to hate me) Mech Guard list. I'm not currently using my computer however, but I'll write the lists up here as soon as i think of it.

As you might be able to tell the army draws a lot of inspiration from modern era war literature, films and video games.The main influences were Black Hawk Down, the Battlefield series and the television show Generation Kill. There is a full back story, and if asked, I can tell you all a little, but it's quite long. I included a brief synopsis at the start of the post, so I hope that satisfies. To keep with the theme I shaved off all the shoulder pads (bar officers and the more important personnel), Gave the regulars M16's and sculpted (not too well) goggles onto the helmets. I also shaved down the tunics in most cases to make the troops look like they had combat pants on instead.


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