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Pumpkin boyz

Full Army Photo

army thus far

my army 03/03/2010

Unit Photos

Big Mek


I hate bikes (old feelings)

But now I'm a big fan!

and i love flash gitz

and grots are fun to paint.

Tankbustas Exploding with glory!

and the Tankbusta XPRS

more photos to come soon!

Army List

My Ranks consist of:

troops:60 ork boys (AoBR), 26 ard boys, 13 grots

Elite: 15 nobs (AoBR), 6 nobs w/power claws, 3 nobs w/ kombi skorchas & big choppas, 2 painboys, 12 tankbustas 1 nob w/p.claw 2 tankhammers, 10 meganobs 4 kombi rokkit 4 kombi skorcha 2 twin-link shoota (one can be a warboss w/attack squigg), 8 burna boys, 12 deffguns, 3 meks w/kustom mega blasta

Fast attack 7 bikers nobs or boys (if nobs, looted SM bike is painboy), 10 deff koptas (5 w/twin linked rokkits, 5 w/kustom mega blastas)

heavy support: 5 flash gits and one kustom painboy (all gmade from black orks), Badrukk, two battle waggons (one looted) wagon 1 w/ GW deffrolla and battle kannon & pumpkin head wrekkin ball & zap gun, looted battle wagon (open topped, used as transport for deffguns and bigmeks) w/ kustom deffrolla zzap gun & wrekkin ball , 2 looted wagons w/boomguns, tankbustas XPRS (looted waggon) 2 deffdreads w/2 skorchas, 3 killa cans w/kustom mega blastas HQ: 3 big meks (all w/kustom force field), 1->GW, 2->AoBR w/attack squigg convertion, 3->fattsmek w/ burna & squigg, warboss on bike w/bigchoppa (ultimate killa)

(3 groups)21 boys or (2 groups)30 boys Nob w/bigchoppa nob w/big choppa or p.claw

kustom battle waggon w/15 deffguns-3kustom megebla-meks, and one big mek ( I like fattsmek)

GW battle waggon ard case, battle kannon, zzap gun, deffrolla, wrekkin ball, 2 or 3 big shootas, extra armour, grot riggers

one deffdread per/ bigmek

3 killa kans w/kustom mega blastas

This is my favorite list to run

I'll put up another list soon, and well as a few more details


this looks like a typical tuesday afternoon with 2 or three friends, one big game of last man standing. V.S. -> Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Eldar, or Tau. In the last 4 games i've won 3

UPDATE: My friends and I have amassed a pretty nice small gaming club. Every tuesday I can look forward to playing: one of 3 Space Marine armies (not including MY Blood Angles), one nice/small Necron, two Imperial guard, Tau, one other small ork army, Tyranid, Eldar (sometimes dark eldar), Chaos SM, Chaos nurgle army.

We're working on a tourni for summer... should be interesting

Why I Started This Army

I wanted something cool to paint. When i picked up a box of orks they thought they had a lot of potential. I opened the box of lootas and burnas and i just didn't want to paint them green. A face on a fuel tank of a burna looked like a Jack-O-Lantern and decided they all needed to be pumpkins/Halloween Orks Pumpkin Brigade! Orange Tide! The Pumpkin Boys!


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