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The Crookback Boogers

From the President

The Crookback Boogers are a force to be reckoned with in the obscure DABBLE league (http://thegoldend6.com/dabble/).

Fronted by the two Troll blockers Smash 'Em and Crash 'Em and with such Goblin superstars as the Blue Meanie and the Flying Linguini, they would run wild over their opposition whilst fans ran wild over the stadium.

Taking on all comers such as Slobby Don's Puking Pus Buckets and Mad Dog Pass Rangers, the Boogers would face down their opponents with aplomb and devestating skill that oft times left them standing dumbfounded as they dodged past them, ran round them and even flew over the top of them.

Post season and to pay back the fans for their loyalty, the Crookback Boogers released the following: http://thegoldend6.com/2009/crookback-boogers-special-offer-2

Team Roster

Post season, the line up of the Crookback Boogers looks something like this:

01 Smash Em - Troll
02 Crash Em - Troll
03 The Blue Meanie - Goblin 
04 The Flying Linguini 3 - Goblin
05 Kutmup Bonethroat - Goblin 
06 Shimsham Weakbladder - Goblin 
07 "Lucky" Bigwig - Goblin 
08 Zibbid - Goblin
09 Pigfin - Goblin
10 Dogess - Goblin
11 Lazy Dan - Goblin
12 Zibfog - Goblin
13 Tobrat - Goblin
14 Skarwig Groinkicker - Goblin 
15 Groin Scratch - Goblin
16 Snotball - Looney 

Superstars of the Boogers

Smash Em - Troll
Smash Em - Troll
The Blue Meanie - Goblin
The Blue Meanie - Goblin
The Flying Linguini - Goblin
The Flying Linguini - Goblin
"Lucky" Bigwig - Goblin
"Lucky" Bigwig - Goblin
Snotball - Looney
Snotball - Looney

Better pictures available: http://thegoldend6.com/gallery/crookback-boogers

Why I Started This Army

When we started playing Bloodbowl at my local gaming group, my mind harkened back to my Goblins and their dominance over all who stood before them. It's funny how the rules changed. A lot! The least of whcih, my prized Ogres were replaced by Trolls.

And you can't get rid of Bonehead or Really Stupid anymore! However, my loyalty remained to the Booger franchise. If only for that one perfect moment where you have a spare re-roll, a goblin with the ball standing at the feet of a Troll who picks him up a lobs him screaming towards the End Zone ....

I love this game!


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