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The Four Star Syndicate Toolbox

While collecting your Four Star Syndicatearmy, you will see use out of certain models again and again. After Starting with the Four Star Syndicate, use the following models to expand for any Four Star Syndicate Army, the most flexible mercenary contract available.

What to Order

Expendable troops

Steelhead Halberdiers

  • PIP 41021 (minimum unit)
  • PIP 41022 (two blisters, two models each for a full unit)

For a low, low points cost you can add the most ubiquitous mercenary company to your army and make use of their semi-decent melee abilities.

Anti-Infantry and Magical Denial

Alexia Ciannor and the Risen

  • PIP 41028 (Alexia and Risen box includes 11 Risen and 1 Thrall Warrior)
  • PIP 41029 (3 Risen per Blister)
  • PIP 41030 (1 Thrall Warrior)

Alexia Ciannor is a signature figure of the Iron Kingdoms. Hers was the story that launched the game world. And in the game she commands the undead.

What makes her useful in many Four Star armies is that she also commands undead and the Witchblade she carries summons more undead as bodies fall around her.

In addition, she can make it VERY difficult for spellcasters to operate in her vicinity.

Make Things Hit Harder

Lady Aiyana and Master Holt

  • PIP 41055

This duo will snipe at things with Master Holt's pistols until Lady Aiyana gets a good target to debuff. And when she debuffs it, everything hits that target with more damage, including Master Holt.

Warjack Staples


  • PIP 41019


PIP 41013

Solo Supremes

Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist

  • PIP 41014

Gorman provides your warcaster with limited smoke cover and then turns around and Blinds fools who come too close.

Rhupert Carvolo

  • PIP 41015

Rhupert just adds versatility to your units. He makes them Tough, he grants them Terror, or he grants them Pathfinder.


Familiarize yourself with these Four Star Syndicate tools, and you'll find a place for at least some of these models in many of your Four Star Syndicate armies.


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