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The Lehrian Guard

The Lehr System, Ultima Segmentum

Lehr is a habitated system of medium size. Although their original founding dates have been lost to the wear and tear of time, it is known that the first Lehrian colonists were descendants of the mighty people of Cadia, a feature that still shows in their foolhardy combat prowess and aptitude for war. Indeed, much like Cadia, the system has had to contend with multiple offensives of the Old Foe, the Orks, as well as a small splinter fleet of Tyranids, cut off from their tendril by battles to the galactic east.

Planets: Lehr, Capital World
The planet of Lehr is the most heavily populated in the system after the loss of Bayernus to the Tyranids in early years. It is the main source of manpower to the Lehrian war machine. Due to the mild, temperate climate, its people are blonde or brown-haired. To be raised on Lehr is to experience military propaganda from an early age, as well as a deep education of the Imperial Faith. Lehrians are devout people, with chapels and churches spread throughout every city. The Grand Cathedral in the capital city of Barlin has become a pilgrimage destination of sorts to the people. The Parliament is the building-fortress where the Planetary Governor and his advisors hold court.

Mervedium, Military World
Mervedium is where all soldiers in the Lehr system receive their training. Every fighting man and woman, from the lowliest soldier to the commander of the largest unit formations, are trained by the most experienced men in the system. Guardsmen that have served their 5 years in the Guard can, instead of moving on with their beloved Regiment {or House as it is officially designated in the Lehrian Tactica}, opt to receive a post in the training of the next generations of Lehrian combat personnel, passing the knowledge that they earned on the battlefield on to the new recruits.

Krupp, Industrial World
As every soldier needs his food, every vehicle needs it fuel. Krupp's industries supply both of them, with enormous manufactories producing whatever the Lehrian Guard to move on in and after battle.

BVM Primary, Forge World
Its surface obscured from view by the massive foundries and factories, BWM Primary produces the exotic Tiger and Panther tanks that are unique to the military of the Lehr system.

BVM Secondary, Forge World
The main producer of supporting military equipment in the system. The world’s manufactorums produce everything from ammo crates to the BVM trucks that have become the signature product of the world.

Orbital Stations:
His Lordship, orbiting Lehr
This ancient station is home to Lehr's many telescopes and macro-magnoculars, who survey the vastness of space without pause. It also serves as a research center.

Orbital Defence Stations, orbiting Lehr
Before the Home War, there were five Orbital Defense Stations orbiting Lehr. Two were destroyed in the initial phases of the War, when the Alliurg destroyed them to prevent them from turning their lances and macro-cannons onto the Alliurg ground forces on the surface.

... , orbiting Mervedium
The ... is a training center for members of the system's Fleet. From here, squadrons of warships embark on both training and actual combat patrols. This is also where the Fleet's arms men are trained in boarding actions and the chaotic combat aboard starships.

Record of Service

"It was only when I saw the heaps of dead traitors and the determined looks on the faces of the soldiers around me, the way they obeyed their commanders while retaining a level of self-decision for when the need should arise, that I realized I probably found myself among the best troops in the Segmentum. I am proud to accompany these men to the inevitable destination of the Emperor's Holy Light."
- Remembrancer Claudius [deceased] on the soldiers of the Lehrian Imperial Guard in the aftermath of the Battle for Thimen City, M41.772

The Lehrians are held in high esteem among the regiments of the Ultima Segmentum. Founded almost seventeen centuries ago and with ample victories to show their worth, the Lehrians have taken part in several major offensives on the Eastern Fringe as well as the galactic north-east.

Pict from a Lehrian offensive, suspected shortly after the first Foundings.

Caramun Prime

A death world, invaded by Chaos forces at approximately M41.754. In their wake follows the Ork Waaaagh! Toofgob. The Imperial Guard lands two years later, accompanied by an Adeptus Mechanicus Reclaimer force. Request for orbital bombardment denied due to rumored presence of STC artefacts.


Munichus Cardinal

A section of the Lehrian 143rd, 3rd Company on rest during the final stages of the battle for the Citadel. As is the case with many regiments of the Imperial Guard, a large group of camp followers provide their services to soldiers and crew. Here, a barber offers his services. Note that the soldiers are dressed in simple garments, indicating that the unit was rotated to the rear lines at least a few days back.

The Home War

Shortly before the Imperial victory on Munichus Cardinal, a short but powerful cry for help was received through astropaths of the Fleet. After the source of the signal was designated as the Lehr system, Imperial forces were redirected to investigate. Most of the regiments appointed for the task were of Lehrian origins, picked for both their knowledge of the planet itself and their strong feelings of home. A tactician of the staff of Lord General ... in charge of the Munichus offensive, suggested the action of sending regiments to fight for their own planet, in order to increase morale. Despite the fact that they were being sent into battle again after 2 years of relentless fighting, the Lehrians were proud to be, in time, able to add the defence of their homeworld to their regimental banners.

This pict-capture shows two destroyed Devilcats of the Lehrian 17th Armoured in a Mainland village. Note the corpse of the crewman on the back of the first vehicle. The author of the pict, a pictographer that accompanied the regiment, claimed that he saw the man firing his pistol at the Arch-Enemy pursuing the Imperial forces. The pict was taken seconds after the crewman was hit by an autogun round.

Pictograph taken during the tactical retreat of the Lehrian 17th Armoured. The explosion is likely a bridge being blown to delay the Regiment's pursuers.

The Return

While loyalist Regiments continued fighting on the planet's surface, the Lehrian Fleet entered orbit after enduring a determined fighter attack. At the loss of a transport barge and several decks damaged by hull breaches, the Fleet began its plan to make planetfall on Lehr. Designated drop site was Murden Fields, an area of wide, open meadows near the Mainland coast. An infiltration force, consisting mostly of soldiers from the 23rd Air Cavalry alongside a few experts in other aspects of war, was dropped a considerable distance away from the landing site. They were tasked with destroying or at least disabling the three Defence Lasers north of Murden Fields, as the Lasers presented the greatest threats to the heavy, bulky drop-ships of the landing force.

Angelus Soldiers On

The year 771.M41 saw the Alliurg redouble their efforts in organising a major assault on the fortress-continent of Angelus, the first and only Imperial stronghold on the planet that could be manageably defended. As a landing force hit the south and south-east coasts, small strike teams were covertly inserted behind the main defence lines. These small raiding parties were composed of heretic combat veterans as well as Renegade Adeptus Astartes initiates, both eager to prove their worth. As the coast defences were pummelled relentlessy, the fighting started to concentrate around the cities and settlements of Angelus. Its capital, Thimen City, saw the bloodiest of these battles. At great cost, and after weeks of exhausting urban combat, the heretic forces were driven back to the coasts and ultimately destroyed.

Civillian militia fly the Angelian colours, from the crew compartment of a Cebrius 251, in the streets of Thimen City. Picture taken by a citizen pictographer.

The frantic retreat of the Archenemy from Angelus left many vehicles and pieces of equipment unused. Here, a Lehrian-made autocannon mounted on a captured N30 half-track is deployed in an anti-aircraft role, manned by two citizen-soldiers.

Zielonus Retaken

Picture taken in Zielonus, M41.772. A group of Alkmarian soldiers stands at ease while a StaG IV assault gun provides overwatch. The vehicle's weapon has most probably been replaced for the assault, as StaG's were are usually armed with M41-pattern lascannons instead of the autocannon shown here. Also note the unusual gun mantlet.

Imperial citizens looking for lost ones amidst the rubble in the streets.

A pair of Martyr III's in Zielonus after the battle. The Martyrs are the main anti-armour weapons in use with the Lehrian Stormjumper Regiments. Both vehicles shown here are armed with autocannons, weapons more suited to the narrow confines of urban warfare than lascannons.

A T-22 light assault gun photographed in Zielonus, Lehrian Mainland, M41.772. The vehicle was found unattended to by a derelict warehouse after the battle, unfueled and deprived of ammunition for its hull-mounted autocannon. The Varcoli probably did not have the time to prepare it for battle once Imperial forces began their storm assault at dawn.

Assault on Barlin

A light tank of the Zarathae stuck in a bomb crater in the streets of Barlin, pictographed M41.776. The open hatches testify of Imperial troops having dragged the heretics out of their vehicle.

A Storm Assault Gun (StaG) IV advances in the Battle of Barlin.

Unit Profiles

For addtional data and pictures, visit my Project Log

143rd Heavy Infantry

Regimental Headquarters
Major Vorendorf and command personnel: Chief Medic, Standard Bearer Oberst, Supply officer Arion, Veteran Guardsman/plasma gunner

Major Vorendorf has risen through the ranks and has experienced the fires of war time and time again. He lost his left hand on Munichus Cardinal to a rebel stormtrooper's axe, but fought on regardlessy, only to collapse after the battle due to blood loss. It was Medicae Officer ..., a long-time close friend of his, who treated his wounds. Vorendorf wields an energy sabre of ancient design, which he acquired on Caramun Prime.

1st Company Command
Captain Ludengott and command personnel: Vox-officer ..., veteran Guardsmen.

Ludengott has always preferred the direct approach to a battle, a feature symbolised by the power fist that he wields as a mark of honour. He is a powerful close combatant, and usually found at the forefront of a battle.

1st Company, 1st Platoon
Lieutenant Rennus and command personnel:

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Lehrian 130th Armoured

The armoured regiments are the cream of the Lehrian war machine. Equipped with the exotic Tiger II and Devilcat tanks, they are a peculiar sight when deployed alongside other Guard regiments. Of all the Lehrians, the men in the armoured sections are usually the most conservative and unbending, clinging on to ancient traditions and habits. For example. the officer cadre of the Lehrian Armoured Regiments usually refer to their regiment as 'the House' and as such, the Colonel is often called the 'Lord of the House'. Commissars are referred to as the Masters of Discipline, and many other 'unofficial titles' exist even though they are not prescribed by the Tactica Imperialis.

Regimental Headquarters

Colonel Karl von Lindendorf

After seventy years of life, age is only now showing on the man in command of one of the finest Lehrian Armour Houses. Still, he soldiers on, leading his men and machines onward to the recapture of Lehr.

Commissar Dieter Norium

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A man with iron will and unerring talent for discipline, Dieter Norium has served with the 130th for over 15 years. Norium was orphaned at young age when a rebel insurgency (and the ensuing conflict with the Imperial Guard) ravaged his homeworld, and was trained on the Schola Progenium on Terrax. He currently holds the Lehrian title 'Master of Discipline', an honorary title in the Lehrian armoured units.

Line Companies

Current commanders: Captains Kriger, Vorst, Hohr, Geerc and Uhm

Panther Company

Current commander: Captain Meiwer, Master of the Hunt

Devilcat Companies

Current commanders: Captains Morgun and Von Hoff

Reconnaisance Company

Current commander: Scout-Captain Viktorun

Salamander Scout Squadron

StaG IV/Lion III Squadron The StaG's {Storm Assault Guns} and Lions fulfill the roles that Sentinels usually do with other regiments. The StaG is an older design that was designed to accomodate weapons of a more sophisticated nature, such as plasma cannons. These are mounted in the hull itself for better protection of critical weapon systems. Lion III's are based on the same chassis as the StaG, but feature a turret for more flexiblity in combat. They mount lighter weapons such as flamers, autocannons and lascannons.

StaG IV 1021, equipped with a plasma cannon. Commanded by Watchmaster ....

Lion III 1022, equipped with a lascannon. Commanded by Corporal ....

Lion III 1023, equipped with a plasma cannon. Commanded by Corporal ....

Note the squadron symbol, a skull with a single frayed bird's wing, displayed on the gun mantlets.

Puma Squadron The Puma armoured car is the latest in the series of new light armoured vehicles in the Lehrian arsenal. Its six sturdy wheels and high ground clearance enable it to move through rubble with the same ease as walkers such as the Sentinels. The Puma's are deployed in the same role as the Lion III's.

Artillery Section

Commanded by: Captain Herenz

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Herenz carries the title 'Master of the Ordnance', a function that was traditionally of a rather logistical nature and dates back ages. In the present interpretation, the Master of the Ordnance (or Ordnance Master) has the command over the Regiment's dedicated heavy artillery.

Captain Herenz' personal staff-track. His rank is indicated by the Lehrian Crosses painted on the front and sides of the vehicle, decorations Herenz earned for tactical excellence in the battle of Eronum Hive on Munster Hiveworld.

Attached Support & Lehrian Survivors

Remembrancer Claudius

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After having joined the 143rd at the closing skirmishes of the Munichus War, Claudius developed a good bond with Major Vorendorf, despite their differences. The Home War saw Claudius endure multiple fighting injuries despite his non-combatant status. He was awarded several Imperial decorations for his services alongside the Imperial Guard after the Lehrian Conflict.

Lehrian Resistance fighters

After the Planetary Government was assassinated to a man and the heretic forces took control of Lehr, it was not long before the first groups of resistance fighters started organising meetings on how best to hinder the occupying heretic forces. As the slaughter of the planets' inhabitants increased in ferocity, these resistance groups attracted all the more members. Adopting a classic hit-and-run guerilla strategy, the resistance attacked small convoys, disabled vehicles and hid as much people as they could from the blood-thirsty heretics on the prowl for random victims to take away.

One of these groups became known in hushed tones as the 'Orgel Avenue', named after the Barlin boulevard where they first met in a deserted and half-collapsed building. The above pictograph, shot after an ambush on an enemy patrol, shows the most prominent members of the group.

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Lehrian 3rd Heavy Tank Company

Force Organisations

Lehrian 3rd Heavy Tank Company

{Currently attached to the Lehr 130th Armoured Regiment} Major … Baneblade “Dominus Maximus”

Lieutenant … Shadowsword “Casus Proditori”

Lieutenant … Shadowsword “”

Lehrian 17th Armoured

Regimental Command

Lehrian 130th Armoured

Regimental Command
Lord of the House (Colonel) Karl Von Ludendorff 001 Malcador “Pride of Lehr” w/battle cannon and storm bolter 190
Master of Discipline (Commissar) Dieter Norium Tiger Annihilator “Crucifier” w/T-L PaK 41’s and storm bolter 185

130th Lehr Armoured Regiment, 1st Company “Big Cats” {Emperor’s Fist Company}
Major Kriger {wounded in the Home War, M41.770} 101 Tiger Vanquisher “The Gentleman” w/co-axial autocannon, hull-mounted heavy bolter, storm bolter 190

Lieutenant Krehdler 111 Tiger Battle Tank “Red Helga” w/stubber 195

Watchmaster Esther Mortenburg 112 Tiger Battle Tank “Black Lady” w/stubber 190

Watchmaster Heinrich Endoran 113 Tiger Executioner “Damrudd” w/PaK 215

Lieutenant Max Wiebern 121 Tiger Battle Tank “Crusher” w/stubber 195

Watchmaster Brun Hegh 123 Tiger Battle Tank “Always Ready” w/stubber 190

Watchmaster Hans Brenner 123 Tiger Exterminator “Liberation” w/PaK, flamers 200

Lieutenant Tom Angir {killed in the Battle of Barlin} 131 Tiger Battle Tank “Word of Angir” w/stubber 195

Watchmaster Rintus Henh 132 Tiger Battle Tank “Sophie” w/stubber 190

Watchmaster Cargus Malro 133 Tiger Exterminator “Bloodhound” w/PaK, bolters 200

130th Lehr Armoured Regiment, 7th Company “Hunting Cats” {Tank Hunter Company}
Master of the Hunt (Captain) Meiwer 701 JagdTiger “Preystalker” w/Neutron Laser Projector, storm bolter, dozer blade 205

Lieutenant … [destroyed a Baneblade on Munster] 711 Panther “Sword of Eronum” w/heavy stubber, dozer blade 205

Watchmaster … 712 Panther “Lehr’s Lance” 185

Watchmaster … 713 Panther “Destruction” 185

Lieutenant … 721 Panther “Grey” w/heavy stubber, dozer blade 205

Watchmaster … 722 Panther “Lurking Vengeance” 185

Watchmaster Orahn [credited with destruction of Renegade Warhound Titan “Soul-Eater” on Lehr] 723 Panther “Slayer of Giants” 185

Lieutenant … 731 Panther “Death” w/heavy stubber, dozer blade 205

Watchmaster … {killed on Munichus Cardinal} 732 Panther “Silence” 185

Watchmaster … 733 Panther “Shadow” 185

130th Lehr Armoured Regiment, 8th Company “Devilcats” {Fast Attack Company}
Captain Morgun 801 Devilcat “High Star” w/hunter-killer missile 155

Lieutenant… 811 Devilcat “Shield of Faith” w/heavy stubber 145

Watchmaster Greur {killed in action at Zielonus Crossroads} 812 Devilcat “Stormbringer” 135

Watchmaster Fuherm 813 Hellcat “Firestorm” 145

Lieutenant … 821 Devilcat “Ironclad” 135

Watchmaster … 822 Devilcat “…” 135

Watchmaster … 823 Hellcat “Firecat” 145

Lieutenant … 831 Devilcat “Barlin Steel” 135

Watchmaster … 832 Devilcat “…” 135

Watchmaster … 833 Hellcat “Stakeburner” 145

Lehrian 143rd Heavy Infantry

Regimental Command

Lehrian 23rd Air Cavalry

{As deployed in 774, Battle of Barlin}
Regimental Command
Colonel Fligt & command squad C-01 Valkyrie “Skyrunner” w/2 Hellstrike missiles

23rd Lehr Air Cavalry, 1st Wing {Carriers}
Major …: command squad C1-01 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170

Watchmaster … : Storm Grenadier squad C1-12 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Stormjumper squad C1-11 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster Venatus : Stormjumper squad C1-13 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Storm Grenadier squad C1-21 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Stormjumper squad C1-22 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Stormjumper squad C1-23 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Storm Grenadier squad C1-31 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Stormjumper squad C1-32 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Watchmaster … : Stormjumper squad C1-33 Valkyrie “…” w/2 multiple rocket pods, ejector seats and armoured cockpit 100+170
Martyr MkIII w/lascannon C1-41 Valkyrie Skytalon
Martyr MkIII w/lascannon C1-42 Valkyrie Skytalon
Martyr MkIII w/lascannon C1-43 Valkyrie Skytalon
Corporal … : medicae squad M1-01 medicae-pattern Valkyrie

23rd Lehr Air Cavalry, 2nd Wing {AT} Lieutenant Moehr (lost in the Home War, Mainland) AT2-01 Vendetta “…”
Watchmaster … (missing in action) AT2-11 Vendetta “Hardheaded”
Corporal … (lost in the Battle of Barlin) AT2-12 Vendetta “Rain”
Corporal Rigterhofen (lost in the Battle of Barlin) AT2-13 Vendetta “Red Baron”
Watchmaster … AT2-21 Vendetta “…”

Personal Motivations

I've always been interested in WWII, and I liked the looks and features of the German tanks. When I started my first unit of Guardsmen, I saw a model tank lying around unfinished. Then it hit me; by using scale tanks I could give my regiments their distinctive looks, and it provides with an excuse to use old WWII photographs. Note however that some pictures contain real people, even those that have given their lives in the World Wars. My use of historical photographs is purely to add a sense of depth to my fluff, and is not intended to blight their memory. I have the deepest respect for the survivors, the fallen and the families that have lost because of war.

With that out of the way, I'd like to say that it wasn't the miniatures per se that got me into 40k. It was probably the rich background, coupled with the huge 'fluff void' waiting to be filled. I'm a real Fluff(y) animal, you know. Writing this army profile has turned into a historical documentation of the Lehrian war efforts. Very useful, as I'm currently writing a book about my Regiments.


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