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The Scholae Palatinae

= The Scholae Palatinae of Abdinium and its Resplendant Provinciae =

Photos of the Legion

=A History= So basically this is a run down of a "from the ground up" Chapter i've created, the Scholae Palatinae of Abdinium. It's a bit of a massive mouthful but hey I'm going for something original and besides, if you can't pronounce it, SHAME ON YOU.


SO the deal is, they are isolated in the fringes (cliche i know but..) of the galactic circle, as the biological remnants of one of the unknown Primarchs. His fate is not known, however by the Emperor's guidance or the whimsy of fate this Primarch had no taint of Chaos upon his person.

Perhaps it was that some of the original Explorator Fleets or original crusading space marine scouts made planet-fall before the warp storm took effect, cutting the Primarchs signature from the Emperor's sight and leaving his finest stranded behind before a rescue mission could be undertaken. Encountering the unknown Primarch, a being of immense power and benevolence, the indomitable soldiers of the Emperor knew the nature and heritage of his power, having seen or heard of the other legions' resplendent Primarchs. As their own Primarch had yet to be found, they swore allegiance to his person until such a time as the Emperor's guiding light paved a way through the storm to their salvation. Using these marines as templates, the Primarch reverse engineered the Space Marines unique bio-engineering, as well as the technology brought in by their armaments and space faring vessels to advance his adopted civilization farther than ever before in a such a short span of time as never to be seen again.

And the world that adopted them all was Abdinium Primus. A world forever gliding in a period of classical renaissance brought about by the just and wise nature of their Primarch, not unlike Macragge of Ultramar and it's Primarch Guilliman. And so it was long ago in Abdinium's past, (yet not long after the primarch had perfected his finest works, his Space Marines utilizing his own DNA), that the Primarch, whilst bent over further studies of the now ancient tech, was blasted across the room by a psychic blast of unbelievable strength.

Knowing in the depths of his soul something terrible had happened, some irreparable schism in the fabric of time and space with a resonance of such magnificent sorrow, that the primarch shuddered and wept aloud. That event was known as the defeat of Horus, a pyrrhic victory considering the state of the Emperor of Mankind at this stage. Against the wishes of his closest advisors, the primarch fired up the drives of the fastest cruiser available to him at the time, one of the original explorator ships, and summoned his closest companions, those that ruled the ten major population areas on Abdinium. These were his captains, his finest Space Marines, his Legatus. Announcing his intention to brave the warp storm, as one they wept, knowing full well what was to be. Placing them in charge of the continued development of Abdinium, he spoke of a time where the storm would abate, and then would it be known that the Scholae Palatinae's time to seize their destiny had come. They would resume the great crusade of the Emperor, and beware those who would seek to defile his name and dissuade them from their eternal mission.

Promising to return and finish the crusade himself, the Primarch left, entering the Emperion never to be seen by his people again. The Scholae Palatinae, the 'space marine' ruling caste of Abdinium, lead by its Legatii would train, prepare and await such a time as this. The title of Imperator is held by the first and foremost of the Legatii, a position voted upon by all members of Abdinium society, man or marine. First among the Legatii at the time of their Primarch's departure was Imperator Septim Antonius, wisest and most learned of all the arts both martial and peaceful. It fell to him to comfort the populace and provide leadership to the masses, as well as faith to the Scholae Palatinae. So it was that they trained, none of the mighty Palatinae succumbing to decease and age due to their engineering, ruling not as detached gods worshiped by an ignorant and fearful population, rather as eternal guardians forever judging and guiding those whose short life spans could not quite grasp the greater nature of their peoples destiny. And over time the storm indeed receded, revealing system after system, planet after planet, all in varying degrees of habitability and evolution.

The Faith Crusade

So began the initial expansion, a crusade of faith, fighting with the little they had for the little they could. Planet after planet fell to the Palatinae, some required no fighting at all, possessing humans who, upon catching a glimpse of the peace, might, splendor and cultural heights that would be theirs for simply submitting, did just that. Others though, were not so easy. Orcs. That bane of humanity, the whet stone upon which mankind has sharpened it's blade and weapons since first venturing into space, inhabited several of the later worlds to be unveiled by the storms recession.

For hundreds of years they had stewed and fought and grown strong from infighting, and it took the appearance of the Palatinae to galvanise several worlds into a mighty Waaagh! Ultimately the Palatinae prevailed, but it was only through heroic sacrifice, hundreds of years of constant warfare and the loss of some of their wisest and oldest to the carnage and cunning of the orcs that such a victory came about. Of all the original Legatii appointed by their Primarch, only several had survived. These several elected the greatest of their Praetoria to the rank of Legatii and spent more than a thousand years consolidating that which they had fought to hard to achieve, wiping out pockets of orcs where ever they elected to cause mischief. Imperator Septim Antonius, was one of those who had made the ultimate sacrifice. But a new Imperator was in due time elected, and life continued as it had before the storms recession, which had currently halted its progress, thus stalling the crusade further.

The Storm is Lifted

In the year of the Imperium 38999, the storm that had isolated the Scholae Palatinae for so long lifted, without so much as an iota of evidence as to why. By this time the conglomeration of federated planets was a thriving mini-empire that was a shining beacon of humanity and civilization in its own right, whilst not big enough to rival Ultramar, certainly comparisons would be drawn in later years by Imperial envoys to the region. Contact was re-established, and the Scholae Palatinae, ready all these years, prepared to begin was surely the fulfillment of their ancestors dreams, to crusade in the name of the emperor, bringing the light of peace through fire and sword. This is not to say that the re-integration was without any problems.

The worship of the emperor, long enshrined in the Imperium, was a new and almost heinous ideal to the Scholae Palatinae. Whilst many techno-traditions of the Mars-Priesthood had indeed become shrouded in mystery, the idea of the emperor as a god was preposterous to those who for so long held to their ideals as bearers of the living emperors will of bringing enlightenment to humanity.

As such they courted very few Ordo Hereticus inquisitors, and refused to deal with them openly. The Imperium could ill afford to turn away such a strong support and help, but at the same time could not allow such beliefs to promulgate amongst the populace, fearing the effects of Chaos quite rightly could grow exponentially with such a loss of faith. The Scholae Palatinae had no experience in open or even spiritual combat against the warp demons, and so a fast alliance was struck between them and the Ordo Malleus, readily accepting the truth of the matter that they were woefully unprepared for such a dangerous enemy, and the instruction and learning offered in such a bond. So now the Scholae Palatinae grasp their destiny, armed with some of the, though few, most powerful warships in the Imperium.

Preserved through history their ancient knowledge of tech suffered setbacks and losses in the great war against the orcs, but still lies farther ahead of many of the recently founded chapters, and rivals some of the first founding chapters themselves.

SO there you have it, the fluff.. heres a list of the ranks etc i've changed to fit the ancient roman scheme.

  • Imperator - Chapter Master Current Imperator is Imperator Manius Antonius, Imperator and Legatus of the 1st Cohort
  • Legatus - Captain
    • Legatus Vel Modius, Legatus of the 2nd Cohort &;
    • Legatus Primus Valerius, Legatus of the 3rd Cohort
  • Venator - Some form of hunter or scout cadre, possibly Assault Termies
  • Praetorian - Honor Guard
  • Quaestor - Sergeant (Factually closer to Decurion)
  • Cohort - Company
  • Centurians - Veterans
  • Celeres - Assault Troops
  • Legionaire - Marine Brothers
  • Velites - Scout Brothers

The honored diary of the long lost primarch is a legion relic.. the Leges Antoniae.

This chapter is based around the current 5th edition Blood Angels Codex. The pictures will be updated soon and photos will be taken in full also.

A current set of older WIP photos are up, check em out in the meantime.


  • T&


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