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The Trollbloods Toolbox

While collecting your Trollbloods, you will see use out of certain models again and again. After Starting with the Trollbloods Warpack, use the following models to expand for any Trollbloods army, the wandering warriors of Hordes.

What to Order

Because the warpack loads you up with three light warbeasts, the toolbox features two heavy warbeasts, a heavy infantry choice, a support unit and a support solo.

Mauling Monstrosities

Dire Troll Mauler

  • PIP 71007

The Mauler is a powerful heavy warbeast that has two melee attacks that can be pushed to P+S 19 with the help of its own animus. In addition, you can use the Mauler's animus to crank up the melee damage of warrior models, the warlock, or even another warbeast.

Earthborn Dire Troll

  • PIP 71022

In addition to inherently having the Pathfinder Ability, the Earthborn gains bonuses based on terrain features nearby, making it mobile and versatile. This model can also crank out high STR melee attacks given that it can steal the POW of nearby models in place of its own.

The Line Stands Here

Trollkin Champions

  • PIP 71011

Trollkin Champions are an excellent anvil/hammer unit in one. While in base contact with each other, they gain the Defensive Line Ability, which means you need to do 26 points of damage to eliminate one in one hit, and then they get to roll to check their Tough Ability. While on the offense, they get two attacks with the Weapon Master Ability and an above average MAT, making them suitable for dealing with infantry and 'jack/beasts alike.

The Stones of Trolls

Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes

  • PIP 71017 (Minimum Unit)
  • PIP 71018 (Fill out the unit with a blister)

The Krielstone supports a troll army by providing a generic ARM bonus that applies to everything within a given area.

A Fell Caller

Fell Caller

  • PIP 71019


Familiarize yourself with these Trollbloods tools, and you'll find a place for at least some of these models in many of your Trollblood armies.


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