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Thor665's Dark Eldar - The Cerulean Storm

Full Army Photo

The Cerulean Storm is a Kabal under the despotic rule of the aging Archon That’rakk Maerret, Master of the Storm and his six daughters. They sally forth from the Webway in constant raids on inhabited planets, seeming to care little if their prey is Imperial, Greenskin, Chaos, or Eldar. The cunning old Archon maintains his position by carefully manipulating his daughters into competing with each other so much that it keeps them from usurping him since none of them believes herself strong enough to demand the fealty of all of her sisters. Therefore they play their own games of competition and intrigue in an attempt to cow or slay each other, leaving That'rakk still in firm command.

The Cerulean Storm prefers lightning fast raids under the cover of night, and their warriors are well versed in the art of Raider combat, using the fleet vessels to their utmost efficiency. Each of Maerret's six daughters specialize in one aspect of this warfare and they are assigned roles in each mission that fits their particular proclivities. That'rakk himself rarely takes part in the raids himself, but can occasionally be tempted into battle by a particularly interesting or vital target.

Unit Photos

Pictured here is 3rd Daughter Felynlyn Maerret, the Wind that Cuts and 1st Daughter Ghul’katcha Maerret, the Frozen Rain. Felynlyn is a devotee of the Wych Cult within The Cerulean Storm and is often called upon to lead her fellow Wyches in combat. Ghul'katcha is the grim and foreboding major-domo of her father's court and is often sent into battle to oversee her more troublesome sisters. She is almost always seen accompanied by some of her father's Incubi.

2nd Daughter Brizelya Maerret, the Thunderhead of the Cerulean Storm is known as the most aggressive and hot headed of the sisters. She has taken with glee to the Reaver Jetbike as her favorite tool in battle and loves nothing more then leading a unit of Reavers across the battlefield at top speed as the cut a bloody swath through the enemy lines.

4th Daughter Zelanoviss Maerret, the Lightning Strike, Mistress of Monsters (center left). Pictured here with a squad of loyal Wyches, Zelanoviss is well known for her skill in hunting the most deadly of beasts upon the battlefield, and preferring to do so alone.

Pictured here are some custom Grotesques that are most assuredly not models from a different game line. Perhaps these twisted creatures had the misfortune to come across the secretive 5th Daughter Kirst’takiss Maerret, the Dark Cloud, Mistress of Agony and the most feared of the twisted Haemonculi in service to The Cerulean Storm.

In the center, flanked by some Wyches, is 6th Daughter Shri’iira Maerret, the Eye of the Storm, and perhaps most beloved by her father of all the daughters. She is not mute, but only seems to speak in wild laughter as she carves through her opponents. She is only ever sent out when at least one of the other daughters is there to keep an eye upon her as she has been known to assault targets that even Brizelya has shied away from.

This Raider proudly flies the colors of the House of Maerret.

The House of Maerret strongly believes in the need for constant sacrifices to stave off She Who Thirsts. Such devotion takes effort, as there is always a need for fresh slaves upon the altar.

An underslung Dark Lance - because no pirate raid is proper if too many Raiders look like each other (also, I think I was out of Dark Lance bits and needed to use a bright lance)

Proving that Space Pimpin' ain't easy, the one and only Asdrubael Vect looks as only he can look. Often fielded as a regular Ravager since it looks awesome and Vect is too pricey most of the time.

This Raider is called FemVect by some, it can be transformed between Raider and Ravager and is seen here in its Raider configuration. Still to be added are a pair of Wych bodyguards on either side of the throne.

I am quite fond of the Mad Max-esque style of the center Warrior.

The obligatory Dark Elf Corsair conversions. Capes in space? Yes, please!

Wyches, always need more Wyches.

Army List

I have too many builds to list, as I am almost always fielding something different every time I play. My basic core is about Gunboat Raiders with some Wych Assault support and Ravager heavy weapon backup, but HQs and Fast slots are in constant fluctuation and the other slots are often being tweaked in various ways depending on my point totals.

Why I Started This Army

For the Dark Elf boobies, mostly.

In a more logically answered way - I've always liked armies/playstyles that emphasize speed and maneuverability in pretty much every game system I've ever played in. After all, speed kills, and as far as speed goes DE used to be the unquestioned kings in 3rd and are still better then pretty much any other army now in 5th. I'm also a big fan of playing 'unique' armies or armies that are not often seen on the battlefield, and DE meet that requirement to a tee as well, since they are probably one of the single rarest armies to see across the table from you.


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