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US Election 08

The November election in the United States has come and gone, and Dakkites have spoken on behalf of their armies. The numbers represent an electoral college that gives 15 votes to horde armies, 10 votes to median armies, and 5 votes to small elite armies. The numbers of armies are in parentheses, and each army is represented more than once due to multiple armies and Chicago style voting.

Hey, I just add the numbers.

Libertarian Party


  1. Dwarfs = 10 (1)
  2. Orks = 30 (2)
  3. Tau = 10 (1)
  4. Tyranids = 15 (1)

Electoral votes = 65

Armies reporting = 5

Failed Republican Hopeful


  1. Protectorate of Menoth = 15 (1)

Electoral votes = 15

Armies reporting = 1

Grand Old Party


  1. Blood Angels = 10 (1)
  2. Eldar = 20 (2)
  3. Imperial Guard = 30 (2)
  4. Lost and the Damned = 15 (1)
  5. Orks = 45 (3)
  6. Space Marines = 20 (2)
  7. Tyranids = 30 (2)

Electoral votes = 170

Armies reporting = 13

Green Party


  1. Eldar = 10 (1)
  2. Kroot = 10 (1)
  3. Orks = 15 (1)
  4. Wood Elves = 10 (1)

Electoral votes = 45

Armies reporting = 4

Socialist Party


  1. Sisters of Battle = 10 (1)

Electoral votes = 10

Armies reporting = 1



  1. Cygnar = 10 (1)
  2. Daemons = 5 (1)
  3. Dark Eldar = 10 (1)
  4. Tau = 20 (2)
  5. Tzeench = 20 (2)

Electoral votes = 65

Armies reporting = 7


McCain and the Grand Old Party gather up a coalition of Xenos and Imperial military worlds to crush the opposition out of sight. His heroic efforts spoil the plans of the Lord of Change himself, who ran in the election in the form of He Who Smiles.

Don't like the results of this election? Too bad. Stay home and vote in 2012 when the Clinton/Palin ticket unleashes the Dogs of War!


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