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My name is Dave, I live just west of Boston, MA, and am getting back into wargaming after a few years hiatus.

My "gateway game" was classic Battletech, back in about 1988. It opened the door to the RPG hobby for me, which was and remains a larger passion for me, but my love of cartography, dioramas, scale models, and the like has kept the wargaming hobby close to my heart.

I collected a large (for a 13-year-old) collection of Battletech miniatures, and even picked up a copy of Rogue Trader (which I foolishly sold) and a blister of Mk IV Marines (which are currently in my army,) but I never collected or wargamed on any kind of large scale until about 1997-8 when I was dying to find a micro-armor game. I never did find one (until about June 2010, and still haven't played or collected) but I started in on collecting a small force of rebels and imperials for the Star Wars Miniatures Battles game published by West End Games.

My SWMB hobby did not grow, but when I discovered the Legend of the Five Rings Clan War game in 98 or 99, and I found a group of players (sick of 2nd ed 40k) to play it with, I built my first army. I chose the Crane faction, delicate in court but graceful and fierce on the defensive in battle.

Since then I've collected Tau and Space marine armies for 40k, Khemri and a small Empire army for WHFB, a well-rounded company of ANZAC troops for FoW, and even a small Tau fleet for Battlefleet Gothic.


Rogue Trader Shore Entourage

I'm currently collecting a rag-tag ensemble of Imperial Guard who will be modelled as the personal security detail of a rogue trader, along with his retinue. The force will focus on airmoble transport, light equipment (sentinels, maybe a hellhound or hydra), and will be fairly character-heavy (I've got each of the character classes in Fantasy Flight Games' RT RPG accounted for.)

Rogue Trader Gun-Cutter

A kitbash project I'm working on, it's an armed shuttle roughly equivalent to a Thunderhawk with lighter armor and armament. I may use it as a terrain focal point in games featuring my guard army or a prop for the RT RPG.

Watch Company Paratus

I never really painted most of my marines. So I'm in the process of rebuilding the force into a Deathwatch company. They'll be standard codex marines, but by "skinning" them as Deathwatch, I'll have the opportunity to create a force with a unified look but a variety of different conversions, as kill-team members are seconded from a variety of chapters, I'll have space wolves shoulder to shoulder with black templars.


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