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A while back I spotted someone saying they wanted to put legs on a rhino transport.. and I thought..yes..it sounds fun. I do not know if they ever tried it, but I thought I would launch into with my usual random approach.

So I got together..

1 Rhino

1 Glue gun

2 Wire coat hangers rescued from a charity shop.

I was originally planning to build a light wooden frame work for the legs, but it was just looking far to bulky. The wire was much faster to work with. Formed a U shape on one end of the wire to give the glue something to work with, then made a gut feeling bend for an arachnid style leg. The legs are by no means in a final position, the ends are taped just to protect surfaces at the moment. And there is a lot more glue on it than I would have liked. But I am rather pleased with my first attempt.

The plan...

Get the legs into a position I like.

Find a base for it where I can insert the legs in.

Flesh the legs out with clay and try to blend it into the rhino structure to create a kind of mutated vehicle.

Paint it!


3/3/14 : Got some clay on the legs and was trying to do something segmented. Torn between bone style legs or fleshed. Did ponder going for a full spider look with hair but the concept was too daunting to pursue! Also have to keep in mind not to work legs to much, want to keep them fairly light to fit a transport vehicle.

A problem I am having is what to do with the tracks.. I want them to look atrophied..not sure how to go about that.

And because I get side lined with things.. some cultists for good measure. Dark...so dark..


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