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User:Mr. Self Destruct

Hwhoh, look, an article for me! I can bloviate endlessly about my own personal problems before a large internet collective! WHEE!

I don't know what to say, really. I'm honored.

I play the games of Warhammer 40k and Fantasy. Some of you might notice that I peruse the 40K forums a lot more because I like 40k a lot more.

I'm going to talk about my armies now.


I've liked Dark Eldar ever since I saw the artwork of the Warrior holding the rifle in the small 4th Ed. Rulebook. I finally started them up around early 2011 at the prospect of not having to deal with a gimped, 2 edition old Codex. Notice I never said the model range. I feel like the only one in the universe who likes their old models at least a bit.


The Kabal of the Severed Sky

In his adolescence, the Archon Drachex was obsessed with flight. From the fleeting glances at the Scourges above, he gleaned that their source of haugtiness was from their ability to fly. Why fight your enemy when you can simply fly above him and rain death upon him?

After exhausting his Kabal's entire supply of Red Bull in an attempt to fly, the aspiring Dracon was shown the error of his ways by being viciously flung off of the ramparts of the highest building in the district. All seemed lost until he out of pure luck landed face-first into a travelling Raider carrying members of his own Kabal.

Ever since then, Archon Drachex has put unbelievable trust into flying transports and other methods of entering combat. He completely eschews any sort of unit that is not mounted in some sort of transport. Despite this, he maintains large connections with Haemonculus covens. Contradictory to his trust in flight being invulnerability, he maintains the consistent resurrection of his Kaballite Trueborn, which incidentally were those who occupied the transport he faceplanted into earlier in his life. He makes no distinction between any forces he uses; he comfortably utilizes Kaballite Warriors alongside Haemonculi, Wyches and even Incubi. His forces, while Dark Eldar do not respect, follow him as a respected military leader, although they are put off by his signature catchphrase "Flyin' and glidin' to the rippin' and the tearin'."

I also have Nurgle CSM and Space Marines, but don't play them nearly as much.

For WHFB I have VC and Orcs & Goblins. My VC are in trans-edition rehab and my Orcs are partially as well, but they're definitely more playable.

So yeah, that's about it.


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