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Olmsted County, Minnesota, USA


FRPG's (1e/2e AD&D); 2e BattleSystem (mass battles fantasy miniatures game, based on the 2e AD&D RPG)/BattleSystem Skirmishes (fantasy, 2e AD&D RPG-based skirmish game); Chainmail (progenitor of 0e D&D FRPG); "Plastic Wars" Army Men miniatures games (author); Red Baron (WW I airplane game); Command & Decision III (WW II land units game -- tanks, infantry, etc.).

About Me:

I've been playing miniatures wargames since around 1992. I started playing 2e BattleSystem games in 1993. I have played in historical games using: WW II ships, land units; black powder era games (Napoleonics and FIW); limited sci-fi games; and I self-published my own series of Army Men rules using CRT's, tape measures, and dice, to resolve combat (1998-2007).

I make terrain, I modify miniatures, and I am a dyed-in-the-wool Dip Technique and Magic Wash enthusiast. I am an army painter. I paint using basic techniques, to get my figures on to the tabletop ASAP. After 25+ years of painting miniatures, I have 1,000+ figures ready for the tabletop, comprised of more than 12 different armies, just for my fantasy games, all based on true 1/72 scale, or 1" = a 6-foot Human.

I've run a few convention games, within the past 25 years.

I worked with a carpenter to help him set up a custom gaming table business, where I served as a business consultant, and as a Table Concept Designer; I saw him take two of my three table concept designs, and turn them in to fully completed tables, which he marketed to the public; I worked his booth at a few gaming conventions, demoing the tables, as well as working as a salesman for him. I own one of my own designs made into a fully functioning table which I have been enjoying for 5+ years now.

The biggest game I've run, to date, was a 54mm Army Men game, with over 200 infantry figures, per side, plus vehicles (Jeeps/Hummers, Trucks, DUKS, and Tanks), on a 12-foot wide by 30-foot long table setup, with a 2-foot channel up the middle, for access; we had six players, with me ref'ing. That game was more fun than a Human Being ought to be allowed... LOL!

My largest, to date, fantasy game had 10 players, with me ref'ing, 1,200+, 1/72 scale, figures on the table, and the table size was 5-feet wide by 15-feet long. Both the Army Men game, and the fantasy game, were run locally, not at a convention. I love convention sized games, without the convention! Woo-Hoo!!! Cheers!


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