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Here is a basic outline for the fluff for my army.

Astaeban (counts as Coeaz) is a minor psyker living on a hive planet. He is recruited by a Puritanical Inquisitor to join his retinue. The Puritan is killed a few days later by daemons summoned by a cult, but Astaeban is saved by a Colthax (a Radical Inquisitor) and his daemonhosts. Astaeban joins Cothax' retinue and works his way up the ranks, eventually becoming the second in command. As Colthax is dieing, he binds his daemonic familiar to Astaeban greatly increasing his psychic powers. Astaeban takes over the organization.

While investigating a chaos cult, he is contacted by a Sorcerer of the Alpha Legion, Deltanos (Counts as Librarian). Deltanos convinces Astaeban that the Alpha Legion is still loyal to the emperor and only appear to be working against the Emperor. They form a tenuous alliance. Together they are able to infiltrate a planet under siege by the Iron Warriors and capture a sample of the Obliterator Virus. The pair then capture Stromtag, an eginseer, and expose him to the Obliterator Virus. Stromtaq (counts as Techmarine) joins the organization, and begins to experiment with the virus to test the limit of its powers.

By combining the Obliterator Virus and the binding rituals used to make a Daemonhost, Astaeban is able to tap into the power of the Chaos Forge itself. He can summon and bind huge Mechani-Daemons (counts as Dreadknight) to the mortal plane to do his bidding.


Counts As Coteaz: Finished. Made from a Metal PAGK body and then some GS and other bits. Has a Daemonic Familiar.

Counts as Librarian: Pending, Will be Made from the Chaos Lord in terminator armor kit.


Vindicare Assassin: Pending. Will be made form the Cadian Command Box and other bits.

Callidus Assassins: Pending. Will be made form the Cadian Command Box and other bits.

Counts as Tech Marine: Pending. A bulked up Techpriest made from the Cadian Command Box and chimera bits.

Henchmen (Troops)

Not listed as units, but as models

10x Death Cult Assassins: Finished. Made from DE Wyches

10x Crusaders: Finished. Made from WHFB Chaos Warriors.

10x Arco-Flaggelents:Pending. Made from WHFB Empire Flaggelents

6x Warriors with Plasma guns and Carapce: Pending. Made from Cadians and plasma pistols

10x Daemon Hosts: Pending. Made from Pink Horrors and IG heads.

10x Warriors with Bolters: 5 done. Early stages of the Obliterator virus. Made from Catachans and bolters.

6x Warriors with Melta Guns: 3 Done. Middle stages of the Obliterator virus. Made from Catachans

4x counts as Jokaero: 2 Done. Late stages of the Obliterator virus. Made from Catachans

16x Psykers: Pending. Made from WHFB Dark Elves and other bits.

2x Warriors with Laspistol and CCW Pending

Mystic Pending


2x Chimeras with ML/HB: Pending.

2x Chimeras with ML/HF: Pending.

2x Rhinos / Razorback with Heavy Bolers: Pending.

Fast Attack

2x Storm Raven: Pending.

Heavy Support

2x Counts as Dreadknights with Incinerator and Teleporter:Pending. Daemonic being summoned from the Forge. Made from Soul Grinders


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