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Warphead Malf, Proffet of the Grots

Warphead Malf, Proffet of the Grots, is a special character for Waaagh Dakka for Warhammer 40,000

Background and Description

Warphead Malf with his "retinue"
Warphead Malf with his "retinue"

Waaagh! Dakka Dakka! is merciless among the clans. Those who shout the best rules often get to make them. And the loudest ork that day demanded that the Gretchin hold the line, no matter the cost.

Unfortunately for the Little Uns, a Rune Priest was leading a charge straight into their mob, cowering them with storm and with lightning. And the mob was about to break.

There with the mob, ignored as a non-threat by the Rune Priest, was Malfred, a brain booger in Gork and Mork's eye. His powers were so meager that it was his job to entertain the little bullet shields with psychic pyrotechnics the equivalent of fireworks and laser light shows. Seeing his mob ravaged by the storm was almost too much for the Weirdboy.

As his rage built up, Malf gathered his powers and touched his Grabba Stick at the nearest Gretchin. Through the force of his brain alone, Malf launched the Gretchin through the air at the Rune Priest with an audible "WHEEEEEEEEEEE-"

But the Rune Priest didn't turn. It seemed a small threat and his Grey Hunters needed to break the lines now.

"Fink you ignore me?!" Malfred declared, and soon the Gretchin were flying and squealing through the air at the Rune Priest and his Space Wolves. Though the impacts weren't always great, they were numerous, and some of the Hunters fell in surprise.

Finally, Malf managed to hit the Rune Priest himself, and the Rune Priest staggered backward.

Malf and his Gretchin disappeared and reappeared before the Rune Priest. Raising his Grabba Stick in the air, Malf touched the head of the Rune Priest and his brain burst from his skull and straight into Malfred's. Fighting everywhere stopped long enough for everyone to hear a loud, delicious slurp.

"Where to, boss?" a nearby Gretchin asked, "We follow you! Everywhere!"

"Den 'ere we go. Be good an' I will bless yous wif flying tings."

"Wheeeee!" was the last thing heard, before Malfred and every remaining Grot disappeared, only to reappear behind the Space Wolves lines and route the remaining soldiers.


Warphead Malf 4 2 3 4 3 4 2 X 4+

100 points

Special Rules

  • Warphead: Warphead Malf is an upgraded Weirdboy. He always comes with the two powers listed below:
    • 'Ere We Go
    • Blessed Be Da Li'l Uns:Malfred somehow has a cult following in the underworld of the gretchen, they follow him even into battle, asking mind numbing questions and grovelling at his feet. As a "blessing", Malfred will grant a gretchin the gift of flight as projectile weapons to batter the enemy.
      • Range: G18" S:3 AP:- Assault D6, Large blast
      • After a successful psychic test and determining the final position of the large blast marker, roll a D6 to represent how many gretchens Malfred has "blessed" at the enemy. Remove the number rolled and this becomes your Assault X.
  • Wif a little help from me frenz: Malfred is always included in a mob of gretchin. He uses their mob size to determine his leadership for psychic tests.
  • Kult of Brain: Gretchin included in Malfred's retinue do not require Runt Herders.
  • Where we goin', boss?: Malfred MUST use the 'Ere We Go psychic power to move his squad around the table.
  • Kloned Proffet Brain: Malfred's rise among the Grots came when he used his powers in battle to remove the brain of an enemy psyker who was terrorizing the poor Gretchin screening the Boyz. The second brain allows him to use two powers a turn.


  • Grabba Stick
  • Bare Chested: Malf's 4+ save comes from his open vest and the few hairs he's been psychically growing there.


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