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s.j.mccartneys Imperial Guard

This is the fruit of many long years of collecting Imperial Guard. I started with them back in the days of second edition, when Yarrick was King and Stormtroopers wore Berets! Its quite a big collection now, almost 4,500 points. I haven't added much to it since 4th and 5th editions, apart from a stormtrooper platoon that includes all three generations of stormtrooper models.

Army List

Although this isn't a fully detailed list, my army includes.


Commissar Yarrick and four other Commissars

Catachan Captain with Powerfist


11 Ratling snipers

5 Ogryns

35 Stormtroopers


1 Catachan Lt and squad

4 Catachan squads

1 Cadian Lt and squad

3 Metal Cadian squads


Fire support, anti tank and Mortar Heavy weapon squads

Fast attack

3 Multilaser Sentinels

2 Hellhounds

Heavy support

1 Basilisk

4 Leman Russ

1 Baneblade

Full Army Photo

Sorry for the quality of photo and light, they just barely fit on my coffee table! They make quite a footprint!

Unit Photos

This is my Baneblade, my pride and joy.

Here are my Commissars badly in need of paint (sorry about focus)

My stormtroopers platoon

Heavy Weapons teams

Why I Started This Army

Originally I wanted an army to ally with my fledgling space wolf force, but soon I grew to like the character and originality of the Imperial Guard. They are very different from the other armies in 40K and have a certain charm. You need a sense of humour to play guard, especially when all your tanks get blown up by blinking tau in the first turn! Although I have lots of painting to be done, I reckon it can be done. My tank repaint is going well so far, so if I can get stuck into the squads and churn out a few well painted units I'll be happy.

I've played a lot of battles with this army over the years and its seen a lot of changes. The new codex coming out in May 2009 will change some things as a new Codex always does, but my main aim is to have the army painted before I begin buying new units and as always to have fun while playing!

The Hammer of the Emperor is ready to strike!


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