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Warhammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader - Void Shadows DLC coming 24-09-2024  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
The Conquerer

Waiting for my shill money from Spiral Arm Studios

Definitely some spaghetti code in the achievement triggers

Self-proclaimed evil Cat-person. Dues Ex Felines

Cato Sicarius, after force feeding Captain Ventris a copy of the Codex Astartes for having the audacity to play Deathwatch, chokes to death on his own D-baggery after finding Calgar assembling his new Eldar army.

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Some achievements either trigger way too early, or randomly alright! It's also interesting that some achievements are not unlocked until you boot up the game again.

My big two headscratchers are when I got the exploration achievement when I first opened the star map and I got the romance achievement for.. just talking to one of my companions, without even thinking about flirting!

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Just got to the point in the game where it warns you that you are at the point of no return. Farthest I've made it with any of my 3 characters. I gave up my Heretic run because a good portion of my guys took off when I got to a certain level of "heretic".

I definitely learned some hard lessons with this playthrough, though I might not be in a hurry to play again until they add some more content and polish it up a bit more. Maybe a harder difficulty, but at a certain point this game gets pretty grindy, and leveling characters feels like a chore at times, weirdly.

First planet I landed on after going through the portal was a Necron tomb world with what looks to be the bloody remains of a mechanicus or Inquisitor expedition. Just explored ( it was late) and going to start the first combat encounter. My first go around with Necrons was pretty rough because I wasn't expecting them, but this time I'm prepared.

Looking forward to whatever Necron enemies the game throws at me.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/25 22:36:13

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Beat the game!

Overall, I give it a 8/10. Story is great, combat is fun/rewarding, music and sound effects were excellent. Had Baldur’s Gate 3 not dropped in 2023, this would have been the best RPG that I’ve played in years. A bit more polish and production value, this game could’ve been pretty iconic.

What I disliked:

-Bugs were the biggest source of frustration, without a doubt.

-The bloated character progression. I’m not even sure what level I was when I struck the final blow against the endboss, as I just stopped looking at the skills/upgrades after level 30.

-Wargear is also needlessly bloated, a million pairs of boots but maybe 10 that were worth keeping, for instance.

For the ending :

You fight a weakened, long dormant C’tan shard, which was pretty awesome.

The story endings, I’m a bit more down on. I thought I was doing the right thing with most of my story choices(Iconoclast in 99% of my choices I think), but in the end I was crafting a realm that seemingly split off from the Imperium to try to found something better and more humane. That kind of caught me off-guard, as it wasn’t something I envisioned nor intended. Thought I was just being a decent, loyal dude.

I got the impression that the buildings that I put on my colonies also affected the endings, which was another thing that I didn’t expect. I was just going for the buildings that gave me good wargear or character perks. Now I’ll know for next time, if thats the case.

I’m 100% certainly not allying with the Dark Eldar character in any of my next playthroughs. Part of his story epilogue involves the daughter of another member of your retinue and its so messed up. I was hoping to have had a civilizing effect on the Dark Eldar character, but alas he is in fact a Dark Eldar. I’m just gonna kill him.

My ending epilogues were pretty inconsistent and sometimes contradictory, but I guess that reflects how much my choices varied throughout the game. Or its bugged.

Kind of want to play again, but not so soon. Definitely looking forward to more content.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
The Conquerer

Waiting for my shill money from Spiral Arm Studios

I think the best thing is that there is tons of potential for spinoff games. More content for the Rogue Trader side of course, but we could also get Dark Heresy, Only War, or Deathwatch games with the same system.

Only War in particular could be interesting. Potential for a lot of procedural generation of a campaign set in a warzone with your squad of guardsmen trying to survive battle after battle.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/29 04:44:27

Self-proclaimed evil Cat-person. Dues Ex Felines

Cato Sicarius, after force feeding Captain Ventris a copy of the Codex Astartes for having the audacity to play Deathwatch, chokes to death on his own D-baggery after finding Calgar assembling his new Eldar army.

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

 Grey Templar wrote:
I think the best thing is that there is tons of potential for spinoff games. More content for the Rogue Trader side of course, but we could also get Dark Heresy, Only War, or Deathwatch games with the same system.

Only War in particular could be interesting. Potential for a lot of procedural generation of a campaign set in a warzone with your squad of guardsmen trying to survive battle after battle.

One can hope its the bedrock of something more.

I thought the same for Chaos Gate: Demonhunters and nothing came of it. So far at least.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Chaos Gate hasn't even been out for two years yet. So we may yet see another 40K game from the same developers. As it is, the last DLC was released just six months ago.
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Finally picked this up and I'm keen to play. Took me half an hour just to name my ship..

curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal Kunrad!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/17 23:02:38

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Update 1.1.28 is out, or soon to be out.

Lord Captains!

This is our first major update for Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader, containing a total of over 1800 changes, including brand new voiceover and narrative content, QoL improvements, balance updates, numerous bug fixes and hundreds of fixes for optimization, performance and co-op stability (we've done our best to squeeze some of these together to make the patch notes a bit less devastating for you to read). The patch notes are so huge that we were forced to split it into multiple parts. Console version of the patch will be available within ~24 hours depending on region, as usual.

We are deeply grateful for your feedback and reports that made this update possible, and hope that this update will vastly improve your experience with the game!

Important: due to the unprecedented scale of changes to abilities and balance, all existing saved games will receive an additional free respecialization for every character in the party. Enjoy!

Here’s a glimpse of what’s expecting you:


Brand new full voiceover for the Prologue and companion chatter across the game;
New visual effects and icons;
Narrative tweaks and new reactivity options;
Fixes for broken quests and dialogues (including the long-anticipated Price of Humanity quest fix);
Fixes for incorrect and inconsistent epilogues;
A massive amount of fixes for incorrectly functioning abilities and items, including those that led to silly damage multiplication;
Balance updates, including survivability and damage buffs to Space Marines, nerfs for Officers, weapon balance, encounter balance, and changes to calculations of many stats, bonuses and difficulty modifiers, resulting in an overall smoother game experience;
A lot of performance improvements and optimization;
Reputation thresholds for vendors being lowered by about 20%;
Improvements for NPC AI, reducing the cases of friendly fire and unnecessary triggering of Attacks of Opportunity;
Co-op desync fixes and possibility to hire mercenaries during multiplayer sessions;
QoL UI improvements, including ability sorting, recommended skills and visibility of quests and extractums on the map;
Marazhai and Yrliet gaining access to many previously human-restricted items;

Full patch notes contain spoilers, so are not linked here.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Reputation thresholds for vendors being lowered by about 20%

Yes, please!

I probably mismanaged what I gave to the vendors, but I for sure had trouble maxxing out rep with all but the Imperial Navy faction somehow.

All solid changes, might start a new playthrough this week.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/20 14:18:27

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Same, doing a new playthrough because well, act 3 is just horrible and I feel my build was suboptimal for that, plus my first playthrough was quite buggy to say the least. I know we get a respec for every party member, but might as well start over.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


I've been having a grand old time so far, really enjoying it. Still get a fair few audio glitches but seems to run fine.

Can't say I was particularly a fan of that Forgefiend (as in I shat myself when that stomped out the wall)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/26 01:29:03

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

I still have not bought this game, waiting for sales, but I liked previous Owlcat games, so one day I will definitely but it.
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Death Cult assassin DLC coming 8th of August.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I get the feeling that I am not maximising my character powers, just because all the mechanics are so damned convoluted. Say what you like about Diablo, it made understanding what was better pretty easy with its nice green and red arrows.

Currently running around with 3 snipers and a few extra action shenanegans that helps melt face when needed. Especially the Eldar ranger. 2 shots with a lovely sniper rifle every time activated, and gets activated twice every round. yum yum yum!

Looking forward to getting a decent heavy weapon on Argenta.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/26 17:52:04

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

 Flinty wrote:
Currently running around with 3 snipers and a few extra action shenanegans that helps melt face when needed. Especially the Eldar ranger. 2 shots with a lovely sniper rifle every time activated, and gets activated twice every round. yum yum yum!

Looking forward to getting a decent heavy weapon on Argenta.

I think they just nerfed quite a few of the extra activation abilities in this most recent (this week) patch because it was trivializing some combats. I haven’t touched the game since I beat it a few weeks after release because I’m holding out for all the DLC to drop so I can’t say how hard the nerfs hit.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

Some nerfs for the Arch Militant, for sure, though having finished the game myself a while ago, I can't quite tell just how impactful those are, but it seems the scaling was reigned in, while allowing a stronger bonus earlier on, gonna have to see.

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in gb
Assassin with Black Lotus Poison


Yeah, it was super busted when the optimal team was basically arch militant Argenta with heavy bolter + Officers (PC, Jae, Navigator) giving her a million extra turns and boosting momentum into the stratosphere during the free turns officers can get at the beginning of combat so that turn 1 she'd be able to use her heroic ability.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/27 10:24:44

The Laws of Thermodynamics:
1) You cannot win. 2) You cannot break even. 3) You cannot stop playing the game.

Colonel Flagg wrote:You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me.
Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

My RT was an AM with that end game Hotshot slapped the final boss for 3k damage per (many, many) shots. It was insane, fun, but far ouvertuned, I hope the pendulum didn't swing too far the other way.

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Abelard has been my main hard carry for all encounters for sure, probably way too broken with how many activations, attacks and damage he throws out every combat. Throw in Yrliet taking out certain threats and Argenta is a beast with a storm bolter and flamer. But that said, probably heresy, I prefer to steamroll most of the combat encounters as it gets really tedious after a while?

Can't really comment on the tuning of stuff, they really lose me with how overly complex and wordy all abilities are. I'm sure there is amazing synergy in there, I just can't find it in all the jargon and numberwang. 😅

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Assassin with Black Lotus Poison


 BrookM wrote:
Abelard has been my main hard carry for all encounters for sure, probably way too broken with how many activations, attacks and damage he throws out every combat. Throw in Yrliet taking out certain threats and Argenta is a beast with a storm bolter and flamer. But that said, probably heresy, I prefer to steamroll most of the combat encounters as it gets really tedious after a while?

Can't really comment on the tuning of stuff, they really lose me with how overly complex and wordy all abilities are. I'm sure there is amazing synergy in there, I just can't find it in all the jargon and numberwang. 😅

Yeah, they definitely throw too many bland mook fights in to pad out getting from A to B, in my opinion. You don't need to fight X mobs of basic cultists just to get to one semi-okay fight with some tactical consideration (maybe).

A better approach would have been to strip out many of the mook fights and instead make the boss fights more dynamic with the usage of terrain etc. For example, in the big fight at the end of the forge world planet, you could have made use of verticality and the fact that the fight was happening in a massive forge to add environmental hazards and opportunities for the players. Stuff like dropping a load of slag onto the battlefield by shooting out a chain holding a container of liquid metal, having the battlefield shift as the forge works around you, platforms raising and lowering etc. Instead it is a basic shootout against some mooks, a big bad, and 2 daemon engines (unless you are a heretic) with the same terrain to hide behind as usual.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/07/02 09:18:04

The Laws of Thermodynamics:
1) You cannot win. 2) You cannot break even. 3) You cannot stop playing the game.

Colonel Flagg wrote:You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me.
Made in us
The Conquerer

Waiting for my shill money from Spiral Arm Studios

Ehh, Abelard is fine. The real balance issue is Cassia. She could literally solo the whole campaign probably if you build her right. Reveal the Light is basically an infinite feedback loop for her. After 2-3 rounds, she takes very little damage and what little she does will heal each turn, and then she can double gaze everything dead.

And this is before even considering her Officer abilities.

Self-proclaimed evil Cat-person. Dues Ex Felines

Cato Sicarius, after force feeding Captain Ventris a copy of the Codex Astartes for having the audacity to play Deathwatch, chokes to death on his own D-baggery after finding Calgar assembling his new Eldar army.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Abelard and Argenta do most of the lifting for my team. Although operatives with sniper rifles tend to also mangle things

I think the mechanics are a bit overwraught, to the point where I’m not even trying to min-max. Taking a lot of stuff because it sounds cool. Still rolling over pretty much every fight. Murdering things is no problem

Harder to balance skills. Like the last mission I landed on I totally spaced on having someone with a decent lore: warp on the team due to having to include a character in the lineup I normally don’t use. Woops.

And hubris being what it is, just got my teeth kicked in by a room full of chaos marines. Try again tomorrow.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/07/03 01:24:22

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Not going to lie, when I level up and can't bump a stat or ability, I tend to click random gak unless I really know what I want (a weapon specialisation or the always delicious IWND) 😅

I am kinda on the fence, as I recently finally managed to play through the worst part of the game (IMHO) and have lost all drive to continue. Does make me wonder if I should wait (and restart, again, eesh) for the first DLC character to be released, or power through at some point when I can find the will to do so.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

DLC has been pushed back from the 8th of August to the 24th of September.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I can wait a couple months for them to iron out the bugs.

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

I can respect that, though I'm really itching to play some new content!

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Ok… so I just got magic boots of counterattacking. NOw every time Abelard parries, he hits his attacker. He has a double handed sword and is functionally invulnerable in CC now. Nice.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Flinty wrote:
Ok… so I just got magic boots of counterattacking. NOw every time Abelard parries, he hits his attacker. He has a double handed sword and is functionally invulnerable in CC now. Nice.

I’ve got him with a chainsword and melta pistol, but also the counter attack on parry gear. He blends. Probably my favorite character.

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